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  1. E

    Meditation practices

    That's an interesting conundrum, "fear of meditation". What would being "caught outside" be like. Would the soul that is "outside" really have a fear of not being able to return. Somehow having the "problem" of being purely spiritual does not lend itself to "feeling fear". At least that's how...
  2. E

    What is a "religion"?

    To Susma: First of all, do you really have to spue out everything that comes to you while doing insignificant chores? I believe you are using this forum because you have either given up reading books entirely or you are an unfortunate who has no library near. What is a religion? It's...
  3. E


    Thanks Brian for that. I was going to say, "What's age got to do with it!" Except that youth has a certain naivite (thankfully I've been able to hold on to mine throughout my life). There are many "youths" I respect alot, along with "old" people that have not earned my respect. But we do...
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    What do you think of the Matrix Revolution?

    It was very good....darn, I can't say anything without spoiling.... It was better than "Reloaded"....and I liked that too! Most exhausting movie this year.
  5. E

    Which creature fascinates you most?

    Sounds like Hindu to me.
  6. E

    What is a "religion"?

    Why do you look at religious practice as the attainment of something? As has been stated before, by persons much more knowledgable than myself, there are many schools of Buddhist practice. But even a brief definition, which has been presented elsewhere in another thread would show you that...
  7. E

    Meditation practices

    Buddhist Meditation centers on nothingness to gain knowledge of the interconnectedness of all things. Since Buddhism is not a religion, there are no mandates for reflecting on anything. You missed out greatly when you assumed it paralleled Catholic meditation and turned down the instruction.
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    The Sense of Scripture

    Belief is not blind.....I don't know who you are judging, but to make such a generalization, I can't accept. You are obviously angry or have no respect for those who are able to believe. How are you able to determine that they, as individuals, have not received their own spiritual proof. It...
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    Thich Nhat Hanh

    Beautiful!! He is we, and we are he.
  10. E

    Which creature fascinates you most?

    The creatures that fascinate me the most are the ones that have developed a societal structure, such as wolfs, apes, prairie dogs, etc. To observe these animals in their environment should be of special importance to man, as their cultures appear to work better than ours.
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    Biblical Translation.

  12. E

    A finite infinite

    I am not. For all you know, I am just words on a page that exists only electronically. The universe exists only because you believe it does. Faith and "what if" cannot be on the same menu.
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    Namaste all

    Nice to have some background.....welcome! As a recent apprentice to Buddhist meditation practice while still a Christian, I'm sure I will value your insights. Thanks for sharing.
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    A finite infinite

    The universe does not exist.
  15. E

    A finite infinite

  16. E

    Christianity - a pick and choose faith?

    Li'l Miss....your 2 cents are worth a lot!!!! I agree with you, for the most part.....the bible has been translated hundreds of times, and sometimes just dumbed down to what has been called everyday language. How anyone can take it completely literaly is beyond my comprehension. There have...
  17. E

    What has a soul?

    It has been a notion of mine for some time that there are "soulless" personalities (whether man or beast) who will not return to the "ocean" simply because they never sprung from it in the first place. Which brings us to the question: Where does evil come from? And is it a choice or an...
  18. E

    hello, everyone

    Welcome Li'l Miss! As Gnome at that other universe I have communicated with you before. Things get pretty heavy around here and it's nice to have someone with a little lighter style join the group. I tend to over-simplify religion if the posts around here are the norm. I just don't seem to get...
  19. E

    What has a soul?

    To go back to the original question: What has soul? For many years my wife and I have had relationships with a series of feline souls. Upon the physical demise of each of these creatures, thier presence could be felt physically for varying periods of time, all of which eventually stopped...
  20. E

    Fundamentalist Christianity

    Fundamentalist Christians have always fightened me. Not only for their lack of interprative skills, but also for their propensity to quote from the Old Testement. I believe Christ when he implied that eveything that came before him was in the past. I see God as treating his flock as children in...