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  1. J


    as i beleive it to be, homosexuality is considered a sin in all major religions, becasue it is un-natural. the way i think religion says homosexuality should be dealt with is by avoiding certain situations and actions, but in sonme other major religions, it is thought of a phsycological thing...
  2. J

    Is the bible corrupted.

    for something from god, it would be perfect...His word anway right?as he would want people to follow?!in the bible, it is not perfect..may many discrepancies, therefore we know it has to have been changed, to what extent who knows...some original meenings may exist, only god will know, eg...
  3. J

    what is the gospel?

    i read and have heard from educated christian scholars, that the gospel was sent down as word, not a book, and this can be used as an argument when talking sbout the new testament, i read once taht someone was trying to disprove it, but one person said, but it was not told to be written ,jesus...
  4. J

    Is the bible corrupted.

    dor...looks like you touched a nerve...maybe someone is part of a cult, and i agree with you about what you say as regarding cults....did anyone watch the man with 80 wives? warren a search on him... there are however sects in all all religions there are...
  5. J

    Is the bible corrupted.

    can someone please answer the few questions i have asked becasue some of these things really confuse me towards christianity
  6. J

    Is the bible corrupted.

    what does corrupted mean? cor·rupt adj. Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved. Venal; dishonest: a corrupt mayor. Containing errors or alterations, as a text: a corrupt translation. Archaic. Tainted; putrid. v. cor·rupt·ed, cor·rupt·ing, cor·rupts v. tr. To destroy or subvert...