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  1. P

    Going through hell before we get to heaven

    The ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth. One needs to say, "The Golden Rule and similar axiomatic systems". There's always incompleteness in any system things it doesn't cover. The perfect isn't the enemy of the good, approximating it is the best that can be expected.
  2. P

    Did Marcion the Gnostic Write/Edit the "Genuine" Letters of Paul?

    Yeah, Chronos ate his own children (but in a way they survived in his stomach.) That was pretty evil, and Zeus overthrew him etc. But Zeus was pretty darned evil too, not exactly a good god/bad god like the Second Century Gnostics. Although they were all exposed to Greek ideas and were well...
  3. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    The thread is "All religions iare anti-Women". I am the one disagreeing with that. I'm also pointing out, that the first document in history to give full equality to women, is the Gospel of Thomas. That was disputed, but no one produced any document even remotely that old giving even remotely...
  4. P

    Did Marcion the Gnostic Write/Edit the "Genuine" Letters of Paul?

    Oh more at the end... Number of strong parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Christian Gospels...200+ Number of strong and weak parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Christian Gospels...400+ Number of strong parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Second...
  5. P

    Did Marcion the Gnostic Write/Edit the "Genuine" Letters of Paul?

    Oh yeah, Number of strong parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Christian Gospels...200+ Number of strong and weak parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Christian Gospels...400+ Number of strong parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Second Century Gnostics...0...
  6. P

    Did Marcion the Gnostic Write/Edit the "Genuine" Letters of Paul?

    The word 'gnostic" means "knowledge" in Greek, no more and no less. If someone is "gnostic" it means they find enlightenment with the help of knowledge, that would include Socrates, Buddha, Jesus, Spinoza, Einstein, etc. They've been around forever. There's also other religious threads...
  7. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    Here's another Thomas one that makes male and female equal, and it's right after the one about Mary with all the sexual innuendo... Thomas 21 Mary said to Jesus: "Whom are your disciples like?" He said: "They are like servants who are entrusted with a field that is not theirs. When the owners...
  8. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    So easy to get to the bottom of this kind of stuf these days. Here's how it works, there are female Buddhist monks, but they are very rare and in some cultures, there are none. Buddha, as the story goes, (documents are elusive), didn't allow inferior women to be Monks, but his mother in law...
  9. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    I don't dispute there are female Buddhist monks, I'm just saying I've seen lots of Buddhist monks and I've nevr seen it. Are you saying the percentages are in the same ballpark across the planet? I'd be surprised by that. When I type in "buddhist monks" into google image, I see thousands of...
  10. P

    Going through hell before we get to heaven

    In the final analysis, pacifism violates the Golden Rule. NOTHING can violate the Golden Rule, not in the Torah, not in the words of Jesus, Christian or historical.
  11. P

    Did Marcion the Gnostic Write/Edit the "Genuine" Letters of Paul?

    Marcion the Gnostic thought up, (debatable) the foundation of second century Gnosticism. He thought that the God of the Old Testament/Jewish Bible was an evil satanic god, who did create this Universe, but this Universe is Hell. He thought we were in Hell and God was the devil and the Talking...
  12. P

    After nothingness?

    The current darling of physics, Membrane Theory says it's repeating Big Bangs and Big Crunches forever and ever and always has been. Similar to ordinary Big Bangs and Crunches from General Relativity and a closed Universe. Precisely the same Many Worlds, with the same relationships, of Many...
  13. P

    Did Marcion the Gnostic Write/Edit the "Genuine" Letters of Paul?

    All the so called "Genuine" letters of Paul, and ONLY the "genuine" letters of Paul, first show up, combined and edited, titles added, and in the same order, in Marcion's Gnostic Bible in 130CE, 200 years before they showed up in the Christian Bible. And they are virtually identical. Matthew...
  14. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    But they had full equality with Jesus, in the Gospel of Thomas, and we have physical scraps going back over 1800 years. And a lot of evidence women had full equality until the end of the first century... Women In Ancient Christianity: The New Discoveries Scholar Karen King examines the...
  15. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    Not a lot of female Rabbis either.
  16. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    Or a woman priest. And few preachers.
  17. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    You know, I've seen a lot of Buddhist monks, but I can't remember seeing a woman Buddhist monk, why is that?
  18. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    The Sigalovada Sutta is referring to housewifes, second class citizens. Housekeepers. Saying a woman's place is in the house and she's in charge there. It's the EXACT OPPOSITE of equality for women. And, there is no 2000 year old document, not that it matters in that case.
  19. P

    What is Reality?

    So, is the cat dead and alive at the same time? And why do hairless apes have this special ability to make things real? Hoe about brain damaged hairless apes? Is it a DNA thing? Many Worlds resolves all that.
  20. P

    All religions are anti-Women

    Jesus and Buddha, (and the Greek Cynics, who are also 500 years before Jesus), all came to the same conclusion, "Poverty is Freedom". But unlike the Cynics and Buddhists, with Jesus, it was ok to have fun. I've looked long and hard for Buddhist parallels to Jesus, that would indicate he got...