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  1. P

    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    I have no objection to people pointing out were I've made an error, I've no objections to an exchange of views, information or opinions-I've had a few (friendly) run-ins with Thomas already. But that's not what you do so; no, not in open forum any way- private message me and I'll discuss this...
  2. P

    A Question about The Christian Bible

    That's what I was after, what I wanted to know- just 1 quick question to add to this- any details as to what the 'versions' of these bibles are called- or even an isbn?
  3. P

    What made god?

    in the post you are responding with the abovet I was MAKING A JOKE (and being just a teeny weeny bit sarcastic)-or is humour not allowed in Christian thinking? Lighten up, it's this preachey, holier than thou attitude that drove me away from Christianity in the first place.
  4. P

    Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

    I love it when Fields Of The Nephilim release a new studio album... but it's been over a year now :-( . I love it when I get lost in a realy good book. I love it when The Riders Of Rohan apear just in the nick of time at the seige of Gondor (Lord Of The Rings, Return of the King movie)...
  5. P

    What made god?

    please explain this-because I think your saying God's own word isn't perfect here, which would seem to suggest it's ok to pick the interpritation you're most comfortable with rather than question and find the truth. (Abraham apears to have Questioned God frequently and come out from it ok, same...
  6. P

    No idea where to put this... so here goes.

    It's so small I can't see the detailing within the star itself. But it's always been my understanding that the 5 pointed star was a pagan symbol that satanism adopted and inverted to represent the Devil. Voodoo, again as far as I understand it is a blending of (as says in above posting) many...
  7. P

    What made god?

    You ask interesting questions, I like that I'm being forced to think about this.No, I wouldn't say 'throw out the Bible' (OT or NT), it just annoys me that so few Christians are even aware that there are, as just one example, translation problems with the Christian version(s) of the Bible (I've...
  8. P

    What made god?

    All of your last post contains good points and I don't take offence at what your saying at all- I like nothing more that a good argument (in the non agressive meaning of the word- an exchange of ideas, views, opinion etc). I would agree that those answers may already be written down- being...
  9. P

    What made god?

    And to answer you other question, 'how would I be able to abide by his rules'- assuming God exists etc, which set of his rules am I supposed to live by today? which one of the religions, all claiming the one and only truth and the only path back to God am I supposed to follow? He certaily seems...
  10. P

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Ok, haven't read all of this and judging by date on last message this is dead anyway- but I always thought God was supposed to be genderless (neither male, female or anything inbetween). My understanding is God's called He, Father, Him etc because the 3 monotheistic religions all come from...
  11. P

    A Question about The Christian Bible

    I was brought up in the Church Of England and I'm used to the language of the King James version of the bible, despite being aware of it's many translation errors (and the 'old English' itself occasionaly causes a few stumbles).My question here is mainly addressed to Christians, but open to...