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  1. P

    Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

    I love it when I'm right, everyone else thinks I'm wrong and three hours later they're all coming up to me to let me know I was right (happened at work today... aahh, it's a good feeling :-)
  2. P

    Star Trek Thread

    He's got a point, I've often wondered about that myself. Along with why put families on a star ship (next Gen)
  3. P

    A Little Help Please

    All good starts, thanks. Looks like there's a lot more to this than I first realised. Still, nothing woth doing is ever easy.
  4. P

    A Little Help Please

    I've recently (about 2 weeks ago) started reading up on Paganism- books by Pagan's explaining Pagan thought and religion. (Rather than books 'about Paganism' by Christian Fundamentalists...) So far I'm finding the whole thing a very eligant, satisfying and 'common sense' thought process and...
  5. P

    The real Krist Mass Story

    You're 'aving a laugh, I hope. This just sounds like the kind of mumbo jumbo David Ike rambles out...
  6. P

    Was the original Star Trek series, a morality play?

    I'd have to say yes- by simple virtue of the fact that the crew had to work out what was going on and make moral choices about the situation. Another pointer is the 'moral' was very rearly explained at the end of the episode- you, the viewer had to work it out for yourself.
  7. P

    This Might Get Crazy

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast Red Dwarf- BBC
  8. P

    Seriously...Who does Jesus think He is?

    I can definatly back you up on the Mormon interpritation- I've made a post elsewere about my mother converting and all- I've read the Mormon Doctrine, Pearl Of Great Price, Book Of Mormon and Joseph Smiths 'translation' of the King James Bible (funny how, being divivnly inspired and all, he...
  9. P

    Christianity 101

    That's the one, thanks.
  10. P

    What will WE be Like in Heaven?

    Seeing as in Heaven we are supposed to be perfected 'versions' of ourselves now, I'm going to be just like I am now. (no, no, I'm not any more but you're right I did used to be conceited...)
  11. P

    Choose 3 Books

    A hard back copy of War And Peace- not to read- it'd make a gr8 weapon (anything that can survive a crack on the head from that deserves to win) and it'd be useful if I ran out of fire wood or toilet paper... The Princess Bride by William Goldman- it's the only book I know that can put a smile...
  12. P

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Just got around to watching Pans Labarith- gr8. Also watched The Princess Bride and Layhawke again- love those films...
  13. P

    This Might Get Crazy

    I intend to live forever, or die trying Catch 22
  14. P

    Queen of Heaven

    Especially as El basicly translates as 'I am' and God introduced Himself to Abraham as 'I am who/what I am' (and I've read 1 translation that says 'I am I am...)
  15. P

    Christianity 101

    "Love thy neibour as thy self, do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Didn't Jesus say these were the greatest of the commandments when asked (might be a mis quote-haven't got a Bible handy...)
  16. P

    Near Death Experiance

    I don't chalk it up to halucination- neither do I accept I was'dead'-as far as I'm concerned the jury's out. Just because the machine was registering the electrical activity in my brain as flat-lined doesn't mean it was totaly 'dead' or that chemicial reactions in the brain couldn't have caused...
  17. P

    Near Death Experiance

    looks like this thread's having it's own near death experiance.
  18. P

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Mission Immpossible 3. It was ok. Entertaining enough and its always nice to see Tom Cruise get his butt kicked...
  19. P

    Music and Worship

    I love Gregorian Chant- helps me to relax and focus. Organ music I always find very stirring and it quickens my pulse. Hymns and Carols and Psalms-bore me... (sorry, but they do)
  20. P

    Where Will You Spend Eternity?

    Could you imagine that? Dying, getting to Heaven and when you ask God what it was all about He goes; "Well, you put your left leg in, your left leg out, in, out, shake it all about...." Heaven would empty in seconds.