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  1. C

    A question of faith....or not.

    It sounds to me like you have reached a point where religious ritual is just a nice, comfortable game, an easy proceedure. Everyone in every religion goes through that. I'm a Christian, and I have the same conclusion. Why attend church? Why do I need a pastory? I'm certainly as smart as any...
  2. C

    who took out parts of the bible!!!!!!!!!

    Relax, there is nothing missing from the Bible. The dead sea scrolls proved that what we have in our current Bibles is word for word what we have in the earliest manuscripts available. These scrolls are in a museaum called the the Dome of the Scroll of the Book in Israel. The reasons that the...
  3. C

    A potentially silly question

    Even though you have felt connected to Wicca, what you describe is ancient Christianity/Judaism, and the Religion that Christ believed in and taught. There is an "all-force", which Christians call God. The natural world is God's greatest accomplishment and is to be revered, (read genesis), and...
  4. C

    Modern Pagans and the existence of Satan and the Christian god

    I contend that When religions were new upon the earth, people generally recognized evil and had to name it in some way. Because the Jewish tradition became more prominent, their "word" for evil, and their "idea" became prominent as a way to describe it. No one out there in any faith system can...
  5. C

    help me become a proper witch

    I haven't read the rest of the posts, but I have read up on Wicca a bit and find it very interesting. Perhaps my thoughts will help you. For one thing, the word "wicca" is Old English and means "to bend or change in accordance to will". From the outset this means that you yourself should be able...