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  1. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    As of "quite obviously, the Pali canon is translated into the languages that the Mahayana schools speak." On this, I could be quite wrong. However, for what I know, there are Sanskrit version of Tripitaka and Pali version which is Tipitaka. And they are not the same. Tripitaka is...
  2. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Lotus Sutra Do "Find" with "lesser vehicle"
  3. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism Go to Edit section of your browser menu and use "Find in this Page" with "Hina" Plus as I keep repeating this point, using the term "hina" is insulting enough. Calling someone N***** doesn't mean you are only making reference to someone being...
  4. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    ah, you are making linguistic mistake. Dimention in physics is not concept of space. Yes, current phisics theory indicate that that there are more dimention than 4, but it is not the same as *spacial* dimention being more than 3. As of there is no begining and end in time, this is...
  5. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    This is more or less based on secular historical/anthorogical study based on Japanese material. So take it for what is worth. Basically, after the dispute arose in regard to monastic rules, Buddhism split between Sthaviravādin and Mahāsanghika schools and soon more division is to follow...
  6. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Firstly, Mahayana's polemic against Hinayana school is found in various sutras. Most prominent one in Lotus Sutras, arguably one of the most important sutras in Mahayana. Secondly, I have also told you that Theravadan school recognise boddhisatva (bodhi=eniglightenement sattva=someone who...
  7. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Wow, I can't believe the thread about Theravadan Buddhism turned into an issue which is dead way more than 1000 years ago. I will get back to you but you know, IMO, when replies (mine and yours) start contain more than three paragraphs, it is a sign that the entire thread is going nowhere...
  8. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    You know, saying something like "4 dimentional space" would be an oxymoron because 4 dimention is combined comcept of three dimention (hight/width/length=space) with time. The fact that time could be relative is against common sence as well. "It just doesn't seem logical", does it. But that is...
  9. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Say I'm not a practicing Buddhist. :D oh, I also happen to be the treasurer of buddhist society in my university. I don't attend any of their religious event such as meditation or seminar which is popular with British. Instead I organise their social events which is popular with buddhist from...
  10. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Theravadan scriptures are in Pali and Mahayanan scriptures are in Sanskrit. Both are close dialect. That is why lot of words overlap. On the other hand, Buddah spoke another dialect. Can't remember what it was called. Start with M, I think. Can you google? :) As of historical accuracy...
  11. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    My joke lacked subtlity. I apologise.
  12. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism Just kidding :D
  13. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    ah, you are confusing galaxies with universe. At current knowlege of physics about existence goes beyond 4 dimentional world. Now, since I'm not trained as a physicist, I shouldn't go over this too far. But anyway, the concept of space is no longer an appropriate way to comprehend univers if...
  14. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Well, I did bit of reading on Pure Land. Guess what, aside from the four basic vows, Pure Land actually do have longer version of 48 boddhisatva vows. Not only that, it turned out be in Chinese! Non of it makes sence to ordinary Japanese without commentary. As of emphasis on Trancendent...
  15. Vapour

    Theravada Buddhism

    Yes, it would had been a simple matter if the word "small/Cuula" in sanskrit/pali was used. Instead, Mahayana school decided to choose "Hina". And let see how "hina" is used in the Pali/Sanskrit sutras. The above linked article explain this issue in term...
  16. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    ah, it's is more like concept of "space" no longer apply at certain point. therefore, infinite become incorrect usage of the term. As of "Everything in the universe is determined", it so far being unproven presumption. In fact, at this point in time, opposite is true.
  17. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    Ah, i'm not talking about chaos theory. I'm talking about quantum mechamics. When a radiactive decay occurs or exactly where a particular blip of light gets absorbed seem not to be determined by anything. Basically, these things just happen out of no determined specific cause. Einestein...
  18. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    Yes, because God can perform miracle, he can go beyond law of physics. However, this in turn, this cause the problem with the concept of the mind which possess freewill, which was created by him.
  19. Vapour

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    well, science, especially quantum physics do show that certain things are indeed totally random. This doesn't square with omnicient God though.
  20. Vapour

    Did the Jews kill Jesus?

    Well, there is an argument that writer of new testament made deliberatedly editorial choise to avoid palcing blame on Romans. Had they not done so, they had great difficulty propagating their faith in Roman Empire. Number of historical evdience such as the one presented by Mus Zibii support...