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  1. robocombot


    I heard that the Orthodox Church will stand when the Gospels are read in their Church but it is OK to sit when the Epistles are being read. Revelation is not to be read in Church at all. My questions: Why do we accept letters that were written to specific Church's (Such as Corinthians) are...
  2. robocombot

    Prophesies in the Quran (Fulfilled)

    God could overcome these things, if the event did happen. That is not my objection. My objection is that it was not recorded by people worldwide.
  3. robocombot

    The Death Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus -Palm Sunday & Easter

    Did jesus descend into Hell (or Abrahams Busom?) for 3 days to collect the righteous dead?
  4. robocombot

    pagan prophecy?

    The qoute of Virgil the Roman poet was from around 60 BC. While such a Prophecy could not be taken as Scripture it could, i think, pave the way for the acceptance of Christianity into the Roman world. I dont think TheLovableNicola was trying to elavate the Roman Poet to being equal to...
  5. robocombot

    Sons of God?

    That study you mentions i assume interprets Genesis 6 in the light of the rest of the Bible? Do you guys think it is ok to use Apocyral, Pseudgraphical, Duetro-canonical (or whatever you call it!) material to supplement our understanding of obscure biblical verses? Like the "Sons of God" in...
  6. robocombot

    Prophesies in the Quran (Fulfilled)

    With regards to Mohammed splitting the moon, didnt anyone else see it? only those who were with him? Im not saying that all miracles have to be verified by witnesses, but something on as grand a scale as that should surely of been seen by many thousands of people across the world and some...
  7. robocombot

    Would Jesus speak Greek?

    John's Gospel chapter 19: 19And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and...
  8. robocombot


    I believe Nostodamus used the 'Psychomantium' method. Atleast he did in the film i saw about him :D
  9. robocombot

    Goetia (AKA Sword of Solomon)

    Ive come across this book several times, its a book on Demonology written by Dr John Dee the Elizabethan mystic. heres the link to it: (edited it seems by Crowley...) Its interesting that books try to...
  10. robocombot

    Prophesies in the Quran (Fulfilled)

    I Read this post about end times: Which seems to suggest that there are some past events that were predicted and fulfilled. Do these come from the Quran? Does the Quran contain Prophesies that have been fulfilled...
  11. robocombot

    What do Jews think of Mohammed?

    This may seem very contentious but is a follow up to the Thread "What do Jews think of Christ?" Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah, but why do Jews reject Mohammed as a Prophet? Does Mohammed fit the jewish criteria of "Prophet"? Is the Jewish collection of writings finished, so that they could...
  12. robocombot

    Views of Afterlife.

    What are the different views here (Esoteric, Neopagan, Magick and Mysticism) on the after life? Is there any (spiritual) life after death? Is there anything all these groups have in common regarding afterlife Whats it like? Do you need to follow a particular way or god to attain afterlife...
  13. robocombot

    Inspired or Dictated?

    Thanks for that link, but it dealt mainly with the Torah (Pentauch) of Moses. What about the Writings and Poetry? (Song of Solomon, Ruth etc)
  14. robocombot

    Authority of the Hadith.

    Please excuse my ignorance on this :D . From what i know Muslims do not claim that the Hadith is the word of God, but rather the sayings of youre Prophet. So are the Hadith considered Holy, or the work of scholors? It seems that the volume of material in the hadith is vast, theres loads of...
  15. robocombot

    Inspired or Dictated?

    Is every word of the Tanack percieved to be the Word of G-d, in the sense that it has been dictated to the Prophets/writers by G-d? Or is the Tanack percieved to be inspired by God, that is to say not dictated but the Prophets were free to choose the words to describe events or ideas and use...
  16. robocombot

    Tao and God

    To me it would seem that God is more than can be explained in words, but words can encompass all that we 'need' to know of God (inspired scripture). The words in scripture describe Gods 'relationship' with mankind. But the Tao could be the "impossible-to-get-your-rational-mind-around concept"...
  17. robocombot

    For those believing in the Christian idea of heaven...

    Whenever the Bible describes either something too horrific or too beautiful to describe with words, it uses images.
  18. robocombot


    The scientific stuff in Al Quran is very important. Whenever people used to challenge Mohammed about his authority of being a prophet (i.e. where are his miracles), he would refer to the fact that the Quran is itself miraculous.
  19. robocombot

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    If the Apostles did not approve of the Gospels we would have some evidence that they would of tried to fight against their propogation. They would not of been accepted by the early church either. If we look in cities that are mentioned in the New Testament as places where the Apostles...