Search results

  1. holysmoke

    The End of Abraham

    No one is substituting history with linguistics here but only like many other minds before me, like Aristotle, pointing to linguistic coincidences between the Vedic sources and the later Hebrew myths of origin that are very hard to explain away as not being related at some point in time. Such...
  2. holysmoke

    The End of Abraham

    I don't think many in Israel or the Muslim countries would agree with you.
  3. holysmoke

    The Holy Name of God

    Can't get it to load whichever way I do it. Has the right end tag so I don't understand because it is actually smaller than the size limit.
  4. holysmoke

    The question of Israel

    Why don't you start with this: My Jewish heritage is on my mother's and her mother's side so I could claim myself Jewish but it is the Jewish man, Jesus, who I follow which, because he opposed Pharaisic Judaism, the foundation of modern rabbinical Judaism, makes me Christian. I even have Mizraim...
  5. holysmoke

    The Holy Name of God

    Holy cow!;)
  6. holysmoke

    The question of Israel

    As a Christian of Jewish heritage I have questioned many Jews on the subject of Israel over the years and have to admit I have not found a single Zionist Jew who believes in the human rights of Palestinians when it comes to Israel. All sorts of excuses are given to rationalize what is clearly...
  7. holysmoke

    A Jewish NDE

    I would be curious to see if there's any pattern to good and bad n.d.e.s. by religious affiliation, i.e., do Jews have more good or bad n.d.e.'s than Christians or Muslims or Hindus or animists?
  8. holysmoke

    The End of Abraham

    I am announcing I've resurrected once again here at Easter to bring you the new Good News! contained in the Gospel of Humanity to all Abrahamic believers who are now bereft of spiritual authority with the End of Abraham with Abraham's secret Brahma identity being exposed.
  9. holysmoke

    The Holy Name of God

    "File failed to upload" is the message I get.
  10. holysmoke

    Does God Talk to You ?

    God talks to me and gives me knowledge and directions that I faithfully follow as best I can. Is it "God" talking? Or my own head? One has to wonder when so many hear God speaking to them and saying quite different things to some than to others. The proof is in the pudding so to speak for those...
  11. holysmoke

    The Holy Name of God

    The really important question here that goes begging for answers is why doesn't my avatar image post? It's the right size and everything..:confused:
  12. holysmoke

    The Holy Name of God

    It's my resurrection time of year again so I thought I'd chime in here with the Holy Name of God stenciled across my avatar. But alas, I cannot reveal the Name because the avatar image fails to load. So try this one: Goodness. Yes, that's right. Just plain ol' Goodness. That's God's name that...