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  1. K

    Can a Christian kill?

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    Saint Raphael

    What is your definition of "salvation"?
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    Can a Christian kill?

    Consider the question: why are there no old suicide bombers. .
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    What Happened To Boldness?

    I agree that we should be careful who we listen to ... or at least who we spend a lot of time listening to. The point I was responding to was that Dor said she had found a good Bible teacher ... teaching is a gift, not everyone can do it, though many try. Our spirituality does not come from...
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    Can a Christian kill?

    I'd like to hear your explanation of the difference. It is difficult to argue generalities, as each situation is different. The terrorist bombing that most affected my country was in Bali, Oct 2002. The motive was to overthrow the government and set up an Islamic state. Most of those killed...
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    What defines a Christian?

    As a self-confessed fundamentalist, I probably should not intrude into this discussion. I am sorry, Ruby, that you feel you have been hurt by fundamentalism ... just checking, but are you sure it was fundamentalism or some particular fundamentalists? I was not brought up as a church-going...
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    Can a Christian kill?

    I don’t think the justification is the same. There is a difference between indiscriminately killing civilians, and trying to avoid killing civilians. Every summer our kitchen is invaded with ants. I do not spay the ants in my neighbour’s yard to teach the ants in my yard a lesson. I only...
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    Saint Raphael

    I like a lot of what St Raphael wrote - it is very good Christian instruction. I am sure he was a wonderful Christian man - that does not mean I think he was right about everything, however. For instance, I see a contradiction between these two ways of approaching salvation. I believe the...
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    identifying...Babylon the great

    Re: Babylon the great Do you know if the RC church has formally renounced the use of force to get heretics to recant? I'm not suggesting it still happens, but I'm wondering if the belief that we should "compel" them to come in is still official doctrine.
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    Can a Christian kill?

    If my son has to go into battle to defend my family and my country from an attack, then, yes, I want him to be well trained and well equipped ... the same as I want our police force to be well trained. I would also want him to be taught that indiscriminate killing, just because he wears a...
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    identifying...Babylon the great

    Re: Babylon the great I am wondering how you understand the reference to 666:Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(Rev 13:18)
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    identifying...Babylon the great

    Re: Babylon the great Rome was part of the papal states until just over 100 years ago. The hierarchical power structure of the whole RC church emanates directly from the Vatican in Rome. Today, Vatican territory surrounds the ancient city of Rome in the form of the papal basilicas...
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    Can a Christian kill?

    Not all wars are justifed, and not all killing is justifed ... the most important factor is motive. To attack to conquer, is not the same as to attack to defend. If it is right to physically defend my family, then it is right to physically defend my fellow countrymen.
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    Can a Christian kill?

    I'm pretty sure Joan would not have approved of much of modern French culture ... or British ... or American ... or even Australian! Our me-centred society would conflict sharply with her God-focused piety, I'm afraid.
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    Things have Changed

    Hi Cage, I was wondering whether you believe miracles occurred in Jesus' ministry, and whether miracles occur today. If so, what is a miracle, and how does it occur? Here's an interesting Scripture, quoting the words of Jesus as he spoke to a very skeptical audienceWhether is it easier to say...
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    Things have Changed

    Sometimes personal experiences can be just as helpful as heaps of theology. If you are seeking the truth about the resurrection, I recommend you read the Bible and ask God to show you … and also do some gardening! Every year I plant some Lachenalia bulbs (“little soldiers”) that I got from a...