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    Mark 13:30 'The Most Embarrassing Verse in the Bible'

    What do you mean here? What nature?
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    Mark 13:30 'The Most Embarrassing Verse in the Bible'

    I was completely unaware of this, very interesting!
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    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    Hi @SæEagle I only skim though your text because it's a bit much for me, but if I understand you right then you wish that the admin change or abolish the code of conduct. That isn't likely to happen. There are other sites with looser rules, and then there are sites like these with more rules, I...
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    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    I threw something together under Comparative, because that section needs a little love.
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    Religious discussions in other eras

    In a discussion on how to attract more active members to the site some questions popped up on whether people are less engaged in religious discussions now than before. Any discussion would be very biased since everyone here obviously has the interest. But a collection of experiences are...
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    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    Why would you say that!? We are connecting, engaging, you know, the thing IO is for! Most of the people I'm around are in their 20s (uni), there are a few who scoff at any mention of religion, everyone else appear completely disinterested. It is sad of course, but there are probably many topics...
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    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    If you want to do the same thing again, I would advise you to just keep directing to our code of conduct and avoid engaging in other ways. I don't think you did anything wrong last time, it was inevitable, but just focusing on the legal aspect sends a good message. I don't actually think...
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    Just An Observation

    Thank you for taking on the most important roll: the people!
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    Christians are very big on conversions! Do they usually reply to posts on those threads?
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    Who Is Our God?

    Hi @SæEagle You remind me so much of a previous poster! He also wrote long and convoluted texts and argued endlessly over every little thing. It's too bad every one of his previous accounts were banned because you two could probably entertain each other to the end times. But if you stick around...
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    Corona and you!

    Hahaha, when was this? Recently?
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    Corona and you!

    The same as New Zeeland, right? Not sure about the disorganized part...
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    And we’re back

    Hear, hear
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    These are exceedingly subjective statements. Still, many live under situations where it is their only option, or it is the only option they see. I don't remember many fairytales where the dragon didn't have to be defeated. Again, not advocating violence, but I find that the world is far more...
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    My friend, I hear a lot of fear from you, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope it all ends well and that you can find peace soon. May I offer my limited perspective, which probably means very little to you. China is authoritarian, like Russia, North Korea and, depending on the president, the US...
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    I'm glad it isn't on your agenda. I think China has done pretty well these dacades, I wouldn't think they changed too much up. But ditatorships are unpredictable, so I put little thought on them. But only directed at China? Every country in the world is infected, travelers are just as likely...
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    I'm glad war isn't on the agenda. How do you propose we lock down the ports? No travel at all or would there be exceptions?
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    I don't follow at all, I just wanted to know who you were referring to. You might have made it clear in other threads I haven't read? I'll make some assumptions and you can tell me how close I am. 1. The Chinese state is willfully spreading the virus in an attempt to sabotage other economies...
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    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    Very well written, Thomas. As a uncited fun-fact, there are some indications that feudal chivalry and the concept of fair maids were borrowed from Islamic literature from that time. Not being well versed in either, I can speak to how fair that adoption was.
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    The culprits here are sick people?