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  1. M

    The name of God In Judaism

    Hello Salim Syed, Jews have several names for God : Yhwh, Elohim, Eloah, the latter being seldom used (it may be a singular of Elohim but I'm not sure). As to the comparison of Hebrew Elohim, Aramaic Elaha and Arabic Allah, one thing mustn't be overlooked : the Arabic word Allah is the...
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    Muslim Religion

    I have an explanation of Islamic terrorism. I learned it when I was wondering why the Algerian Islamic insurgents started a civil war (Muslims against Muslims) that killed 150000 people. It's the theory of dar al-Islam against dar al-Harb. The Islamic insurgents in Algeria consider that the...
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    the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

    When will this ridiculous arguing stop about parakletos having any connexion with Muhammad ?
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    Shalom and a Question for you

    Hello Bananabrain, ha-rav shel ha-forum ha-zeh :) You're right I should have spelt mashiach -> mashi'ah . Another question : I know Jews mustn't pronounce the tetragrammaton. [ Because of that we've got all those JWitnesses bothering us with their 'Jehovah' ] So why do you misspell on...
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    The Christian Trinity

    It is often stated that things must be considered in their context. What is the religious situation 2000 years ago in Palestine ? The Jews are about to be crushed by the Romans. In that 'end of the world' situation, a Jewish rabbi raises up and decides on reforming Judaism. The surrounding...
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    Shalom and a Question for you

    Before the so-called Messianic Jews (?) Christians (?) go on a Jewish forum they should learn how to spell Yeshu`a properly or retain his English name Jesus. I have a question for you Bananabrain : I've often wondered why scholars (Christian and non-Christian) spell the name for messiah...
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    Muslim Religion

    Hello The Truth, Every honest reader of the Koran must admit that Muslims are advised to resort to violence only when attacked, and must live peacefully alongside non-believers when not attacked. The likes of Bin Ladin and suicide bombers read the same Koran as peaceful Muslims, so I wonder...
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    Is Prophecy dead?

    Do you remember when Santorin island exploded 3700 years ago ? And Krakatau island in the XIXth century ? Two 'ends of the world' that never happened. The topic of the thread is "Is prophecy dead?". Has there ever been a prophecy ?
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    Is it cool to beat your wife?

    The Quran is supposed to have been revealed by God in clear, comprehensible Arabic, which I believe is not difficult to translate in other languages. How come men have to discuss at length some words from God ? Is there something in those words that they accept only reluctantly ? Isn't God's...
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    Is Prophecy dead?

    I would be interested to know what a "prophecy" looks like.
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    The Antichrist Will Easily Take The World

    If I'm not wrong, the coming of the Antichrist is associated with the end times. All these 'end of the world' stories illustrate the fact that men are oblivious of the past and of the hundreds of times when the world should have come to an end.
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    The Bible

    Everybody is talking about the Bible, in the singular. There are actually two Bibles, the Christian Bible (OT+NT) and the Jewish Bible (OT).
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    Creation Myths and Interesting Patterns

    Farhan "Arada nabata" doesn't mean anything in Arabic. But the whole sentence makes sense : Wa-llâhu anbatakum mina l-ardi nabâtan. (And) God made you grow from the earth as growings (plants). Now what is all that talking with clay when, according to science, man slowly emerged from an...
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    Protection of the Qur'an

    Amica I was refering to the abrogation of verses by other verses in the Quran, which to my opinion is a major tampering with a revealed text. How is it possible that God would change his mind in a short book as the Quran and a revelation span of 23 years ? I agree with you that the...
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    Hello Vajradhara There's this guy that says topics have occasionally been beaten to a pulp. I hope not on this board. We could discuss the meaning of an inflamatory remark. Someone tells you that in Islam women have an "extremely high position" and have similar rights to their husbands. I...
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    Hello Vajradhara We aren't supposed to be on this particular forum.
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    where can i get a Qu'ran?

    As with the Bible, the best translation is... several translations. Sometimes one translation is better for a verse and bad for another one.
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    I was mislead by the words "comparative religion" and "interfaith dialogue forum". Now if you could point out where I should post on this forum, I would stop disturbing you.
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    Hello Chezz If I would practice Islam it would mean that I would have been subjected to one of the religious influences I listed. I'm a born Muslim not a Muslim.
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    Dayaa Your opinion about Muhammad's illiteracy is word for word what I've always expressed on Muslim forums. Let's now wait for reactions and see if double standards are applied.