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    I am very much anxious to get a child and good health?

    this sounds like a very ISCKON approach to the Gita how about a jivan mukti approach
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    Wei Wu Wei

    Wei Wu Wei says: The implied Unicity, the totality of undivided mind , is itself a concept of its own division or duality, for relatively---- relativity being relative to what itself is----- it cannot be conceived or known at all. All that can be known about it is simply that, being...
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    A Tantric Buddhist Teaching

    Vajradhara, thankyou for these posts,could you let me know exactly which book(s) Thomas Cleary translated these teachings in? thankyou :D
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    Why do nasty people prosper?

    probably so clever people can come up with ideas like Hell, karma,being reborn as a empty ghost ect. ect. ect. ect. ect. Or better yet so the "have not's" will feel comfortable with what they dont have.
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    Death as a Ritual Passage

    Spent some time at a ashram today (6 hours) watched people come and go all day.There is a devotee dying of cancer in the kidneys, doctors give him 2 weeks.The lesson for me was he has had cancer and pain in his back for the last 8 years.But as soon as he got diagnosed(6 days ago) his health has...
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    Indogenes ?

    i am sorry about that , americans mindset of T.V. evangelists is they are wolves in sheeps clothing preying on the old, uneducated , and fears of our christain based society...for one reason MONEY and of course power. HAPPY NAVARATRI
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    Indogenes ?

    I was wondering how an Indian views all of the Gurus in your country.I have read that the Indian mindset on them is quite similar to the American mindset of T.V. evangelists.
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    Immaculate Transcendence

    welcome Rin I look forward to your posts as always
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    Sex Magik

    But Alchemical Magick IS ABOUT mixing body fluids AND I WANTED TO KNOW HOW THAT GOT MIXED INTO SEXUAL MAGIC.Which still goes unanswered.And who in Shivas name is still doing it. :confused:
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    Sex Magik

    The Raw Material, the Alchemical Mercury, is only correctly transmuted by the forces of induction. Induction requires opposite extremes. It requires a transmitter and a receiver. The raw material?.... a little mercury, a little sulfur, a little semen, a little menstral blood,a little...
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    Ive expirenced a ghost once while tiling a laundry room that used to be a back porch....where the original owner of the 1906 Craftsman home blew his head off with a shot gun.As jobs go it should of taken 4or5 hours...turned into 12.When I set that last piece of felt like 100lbs jumped...
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    Thich Nhat Hanh

    This could be the begining of a miracle,hope so. Los Angeles, Calif. (USA) -- Next week, I am sponsoring a group of Israelis and Palestinians to spend a few weeks in a small village in southern France with a Buddhist monk named Thich Nhat Hanh. These two disparate groups of people do not...
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    Blasphemy in Buddhism?

    thankyou i have a choice to make Brad Warner or Henepola Gunaratana.Tuff choice
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    Blasphemy in Buddhism?

    i would rather have a teacher that spent 25 years in SILENCE expirencing the truth of the Dharma than learning how to debate the dharma with other schools or religions. Evan you have incorporated Taoism ,and The I Ching into your "school".What school would Siddartha pick? wait im sorry...
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    Blasphemy in Buddhism?

    Vajradhara wrote the difference between the various Buddhist schools is usually one of interpetation and praxis that are upheld as authentic. often, this debate hinges on very technical details of the Buddhist Metaphsycis which are contained in the area of the Canon called the Abidharma for...
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    Why not Gnosticism ?

    Dear Brian, I have just ordered my first 3 Books on Gnosticisim.I found them thru a poster on this site and I wish you had a little subsection where Gnostics could post.I know there is more than one here so speak be heard... Homo Nosce Te ipsum
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    What is the soul?

    Deep thoughts by Jack handy, I believe there is a difference between a "dead body" and a "living body" for me that difference is "Soul".Is it in my mind,in my fingers while i type,or in my mouth when i talk? The aliveness i say is soul.So we have body, soul (aliveness,energy) where does...
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    Parasitic Entities & Spirit Guides

    in the last year or so i have learned alot about these spirit guides on the internet.Pagans, wiccans and especially ceremonial magicians thats what they do make a circle... protect themselves...then protect themselves more and call down spirts.then to hear these guys ragging on kids about using...
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    the da vinci code/HBHG etc etc etc

    I thought it was a quick entertaining read, felt like jumping a bullet train. For good conspiracy stuff, though, I'll take Umberto Eco's Focault's Pendulum any day - he manages to tie a lot more conspiracy theories together in that one than Dan Brown did. DITTO!!!! Have you read...
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    the 64 Yoginis

    id like to cross refrence to the I Ching see if they are similar to the 64 hexagrrams of that great book 999