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  1. BruceDLimber

    Baha'i, Hell, and Judgement

    And there's this, also from the Baha'i scriptures: "When they [men] are delivered through the light of faith from the darkness of these vices, and become illuminated with the radiance of the sun of reality, and ennobled with all the virtues, they esteem this the greatest reward, and they...
  2. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    Who was it who was carping recently about ad hominem attacks? :-(
  3. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    Wil may also notice that the Baha'is (i.e., the group of around seven and a half million) endeavor to teach and spread the Faith--and indeed, have done so around the world, in every country on earth (except the Vatican)! In contrast, these other groups--by whatever name--are either already...
  4. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    Both long dead covenant-breakers. And of course, all this sound and fury is simply yet another attempt to confuse individuals into thinking there was some "problem" when in fact there was not, save for the carping of a few specific individuals whose names have been appropriated in the attempt...
  5. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    The word Art apparently omitted is that he's maybe the SOLE member (or maybe it's he and one other dissident, for a total "membership" of two. In contrast, the Baha'i Faith, which, please note, never uses the term "Haifan," has millions of members and exists in literally every country on earth...
  6. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    Art, if you haven't read it already, you should definitely check Schaeffer's Making the Crooked Straight: it thoroughly refutes the lie of the covenant-breakers that 'Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament was forged or that Shoghi Effendi otherwise "usurped" his position! (Unfortunately, that...
  7. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    That's a bit overstated: it's not that Baha'i teachings "take precedence" so much as that they're simply the latest ones: this doesn't in any way make the Faith "better"--simply more recent. Granted, we do have specific teachings and a formal Covenant, but so do other great religions! Please...
  8. BruceDLimber

    Looking for Bahai for interfaith service...

    That may simply indicate that Bowie is uninncorporated. There definitely do exist Baha'i communities of Prince Georges County North and South (as well as other communities in College Park and Greenbelt)! So perhaps you should be contacting one of these. (Bowie is probably in PG North, but...
  9. BruceDLimber

    Website Suggestion

    Greetings! First off, you're overgeneralizing. While it's true that some Buddhists are atheistic, what you overlook is that Buddhism split into several different groups: some are atheistic, and some are not. IOV Buddhism was originally theistic, as indicated by the Buddhist...
  10. BruceDLimber

    The Baha'i Calendar:

    Hi! I see Art answered most of your questions already, so I'll just add a few supplements: "Baha" is indeed "splendor" or "glory" (we usually call it the latter), and the suffix forms the adjective, so that "Baha'i" literally means "of Glory." Numerology isn't particularly a Baha'i...
  11. BruceDLimber

    Ridvan Holy Days are upon us!

    Re: Who was the Bab? Welcome to the neighborhood! :-) No, the Bab was the Mahdi (however spelled), but Baha'u'llah (Whom the Bab spoke of as "He Whom God will make manifest") was the return of the Christ Spirit. Please note that further questions are most welcome; we LOVE 'em! :-)...
  12. BruceDLimber

    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    So sorry, but you have NO IDEA who else is or isn't reading this forum, little as you may care to admit this fact! Bruce
  13. BruceDLimber

    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    For the record, the Baha'i Faith was founded by Baha'u'llah (the name means "Glory of God"). There's PLENTY of evidence for those who care to look! This includes (but is not limited to): His own life and the sterling character thereof The hundred volumes of scripture He wrote and left...
  14. BruceDLimber

    The Trinity according to the Bab

    No, my point is that you said you wanted to discuss the understanding of the trinity from the viewpoint of the BAHA'I Faith; the Babi Faith is a different religion with plenty of differences from the Baha'i Faith, and concentrating instead on only the Bab's Writings may therefore get us...
  15. BruceDLimber

    The Trinity according to the Bab

    If you've already read much of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Writings, as you say, then you presumably know that Some Answered Questions is in modern English and therefore comparatively easy reading. Peace, Bruce
  16. BruceDLimber

    The Trinity according to the Bab

    If you want to discuss the concept of the trinity in the BAHA'I Faith--as contrasted with the Babi Faith--, you might do well to refer to 'Abdu'l-Baha's chapter on this in "Some Answered Questions" rather than the Babi scriptures.
  17. BruceDLimber

    Baha'is support Ugandan antigay imprisonment and death penatly laws

    Greetings! As I already pointed out, the Baha'i Faith explicitly AVOIDS involvement in partisan politics, so Baha'i statements on either side of a given issue are extremely unlikely, to say the least! But in the meantime, I urge you to review the formal statement already issued by the House...
  18. BruceDLimber

    Help with Baha'i

    Hi, Boethiah; I'll also welcome you to the forum! :-) I agree with Art and Alrandolin: it's always fairly easy to find a few nay-sayers whose sole pleasure in life seems to be in tearing down others' beliefs. But they in no way alter the facts! In fact, the House of Justice is much respected...
  19. BruceDLimber

    Baha'is support Ugandan antigay imprisonment and death penatly laws

    So sorry, but what you're overlooking is that Baha'is don't get involved in partisan political activities, and indeed are forbidden from doing so! So while I don't know exactly what went on back then, I can assure you that the Baha'is had no formal involvement on either side of the issue...
  20. BruceDLimber

    Illuminationist Pilosophy, the Bahai Faith, and Resurrection

    Greetings! Please bear in mind that Paris Talks is not Baha'i scripture. As to Resurrection, Baha'is see it as a spiritual event, and our scriptures (specifically, The Book of Certitude) describe the Judgement Day as referring to the time when a new Divine Messanger is on earth...