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  1. A

    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    I'm sure you feel the same way of agnosticism in most of its forms no? Or is it case specific (such as moral agnosticism)? An atheist in fact may not truly know if a god exists beyond the concept and deny it (as god clearly does exist in the minds of those that cherish him/her/it), but an...
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    Who gets into heaven (Christianity)?

    I always thought that the KJV was the standard to use, sure if you wish to use different versions many different things can be supported. I'd have to agree with you according to the version submitted that your in fact correct however it isn't a standard typically used.
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    Who gets into heaven (Christianity)?

    to Quohom1: I do understand what you alude to however to me it seems clear from the passage that resurrection is granted to those who never marry or are given to marriage. Its rather straightforward if you ask me, i believe your reading too deep and going off on a bit of a tangent. No...
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    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    Care to explain why?
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    Who gets into heaven (Christianity)?

    Luke 20:34-36 (King James Version) 34And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: 35But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36Neither can...
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    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    lol you make a good point. In each case you are momentarily interrepted however brief, addressing each issue at hand, your focus strayed, your attention diverted, when as you agree it was your will not to be interupted... lol I don't wish to get into semantics so i'll conclude with that.
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    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    I'll argue anything if you want me too, and argue to any color you choose (stupid, great, etc...). They are merely different points of view on the same thing, if you dictate that one is more righteous over another then you've fallen into the fallacy of self righteousness and arrogance. I...
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    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    Its only objective from certain cultural instances of murder. Their are tribes who ritually go out and murder opposing tribes men, take their women and mate with them (culturally sanctioned murder, i forgot the name but can be bothered to look it up if your interested). Its very hard to cite...
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    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Is it truly your will that wishes to be overridden or are you adapting to the moment? A will obstructed isn't entirely free absolutely. I do see what your seeing and ultimately it'll look like a game of semantics arguing either side of it, but for the sake of debate heres an alternate way of...
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    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Will is supportive of behavior and thus behavior can be and in many ways impedes will. They go hand in hand. As per your example by telling someone what they wish to hear is that not subjecting your will for however the brief moment regardless of the truth (carrying out said will eventually). It...
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    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    Not my side persay rather my viewpoint. Your correct, anything applied indiscriminately will yield spurious results, however if you correctly apply it one can wade through much of the contrivities that are attributed as fact in many predominant religions. However the right and wrong...
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    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Is subjective influence taken into account? Our responses to anything is based on self imposed constrains, social constraints, religious constraints, ethical considerations etc... Take a look at radical constructivism. Largely everything is an illusion based on who we are; free will is as free...
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    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    First of all i've been browsing these forums for years, at my best i'm an aethiest, although at times i can partially concede to deism. Anyhow, do you belive in zeus, thor, hermes, athena or my personal favorite eris? Remember aethiests just believe in one less god then you do... Beyond that...