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  1. InLove

    I say

  2. InLove

    Dancing Inmates Do "YMCA"

    Hey earl--just reread the OP--lol--that's why flo said "Hi". Sorry--I'm a bit foggy these days! Seems that I saw these dancing inmates on a Keith Oberman (sp?) segment not too long ago. (Yes, I watch ol' Keith just about every evening :eek:) I can't remember what else I saw them do, but maybe it...
  3. InLove

    Dancing Inmates Do "YMCA"

    Hi Flowy :). You saw me, huh? I was just on here for a second! Keen eye. Was going to gripe on the feedback forum about the many posts by one person that are really starting to bug me. But instead, I think I'll just do this:
  4. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Oh, silly me--I've just noticed that I kept saying the "dessert tower" was in the second post of this thread. Nope, it's on the third--the inspiration link is found on #2. Just thought I'd clear that up, in case it was confusing to anyone. Sorry, guys--I'm on big medicine right now! :eek...
  5. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Hi kiwimac :) I hope you are still around reading and that you get this message. I realize your birthday is not until the 8th, but I had to post some greetings early, for the reason explained above. This is your own special cupcake from the dessert tray in post #2 of this thread. I apologize...
  6. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Hey there juan! I wanted to wish you a happy birthday on the 6th! (Scroll back to see why I have posted this so early.) I brought you your cupcake from the dessert tower on post #2. Those are supposed to be little sugar sprinkles in the shape of your current avatar—the program I used wouldn’t...
  7. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Hi Everyone— I need to insert this short message regarding the next two posts. I am not sure, but I think I will most likely be offline again for a few days, and rather than be late with these birthday greetings, I thought it better to be early. So, juantoo3 and kiwimac, you may want to...
  8. InLove

    September Birthdays

  9. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Hey September Children! I made you guys your own little cakes this time. Kind of like cupcakes—I thought September was a good month for cupcakes for some reason or the other. ;) If you look closely, you should be able to find the one that is just for you! The décor is all handmade by me...
  10. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Hi Everyone. :) I can’t believe it is already time to post September birthdays! I need to post them early this month because I will probably be missing during the first few days. Before I get started, I’d like to mention that the third would have been Mark’s (Prober’s) 45th birthday...
  11. InLove

    Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

    I love it when something that seems like a setback turns out to have a set of new blessings all its own! I have for most of this life always been blessed with a strong body. But over the past two years, because of illness and the treatments for that illness, I have been walking with a cane and...
  12. InLove

    I've missed this place

    Hey, James! Been wondering where you went off to! Welcome back.:) InPeace, InLove Deb
  13. InLove

    Not so new

    Hi cav :) Welcome back. InPeace, InLove
  14. InLove

    Snoopy - Petition

    I'll sign because Snoopy has helped me a great deal. There was one time when I was wondering why I hang around here, and then Snoopy came along and I forgot about leaving. :) However, as much as I would miss you if you were not around, Snoopy, I would not insist you stay if it does you harm...
  15. InLove

    Coming full circle

    Hi, my fellow “idiots”. :) Thanks for the thread, Paladin, and all the responses, too. I feel a lot less lonely now! When I first joined C-R, we had those personal signature lines. Under mine, I entered this from Maimonides: “Teach thy tongue to say I do not know and thou shalt progress.”...
  16. InLove

    Keys to the Kingdom

    Oh, I see. Well, now you know! :) That is the problem with stereotyping. If you see someone in cowboy boots or even a t-shirt with a GOP emblem on it for that matter, if you automatically say to yourself, "That person is, without a doubt, a supporter of W" then you may make an incorrect...
  17. InLove

    Keys to the Kingdom

    Why would you assume that?
  18. InLove

    Keys to the Kingdom

    Hi bob x--InLove again (sorry) :o I feel like I may be sort of intruding again, but you have said something that I just can't let pass without a comment--the part I have put in bold letters, especially (I did not want to refer to anything out-of-context). My dad, who is not a cowboy, and...
  19. InLove

    Why have my posts been deleted?

    Hi greymare--glad you got a smile from that. That's how I felt when my computer crashed that time! Heck, sometimes that is how I feel even when I'm not having pc problems--you know, I type something and word it very carefully and somebody's fist full of words comes back on the screen and gives...
  20. InLove

    A question about death & heaven

    Hi All-- I'm not stopping in to get involved in a big debate regarding this issue, firstly because I got some things I gotta do, but also because I see no reason to worry either way. I just wanted to throw this out there for consideration in case someone wants to consider it. When I said I...