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  1. JustGeorge

    Bored Games

    What distinguishes something from a 'bored game' from an actual interest?
  2. JustGeorge

    Spiritual lessons for your younger self

    I couldn't even fathom the future self... Life's thrown so many unexpecteds at me, I don't pretend to have the foggiest idea of what comes next.
  3. JustGeorge

    An Explanation

    😲 Nice to see you. :)
  4. JustGeorge

    Spiritual lessons for your younger self

    I had a 'break' around 16. The importance of non attachment, mindfulness, and temperance in relationships became very apparent, and I hoped to change my life with these principles. I was told I was nuts, discouraged, sometimes insulted... I desisted after so much negativity. I'd reach back...
  5. JustGeorge

    Happy Thanksgiving....

    Okra and aubergine!? Shall we have dinner? :D I love those two things, but hardly anyone will eat them with me. (My friend has an excuse; an allergy to aubergine.) I'm weird with cheese, apparently. I do like cheese. But I like it as a compliment, typically. Most Americans love...
  6. JustGeorge

    Happy Thanksgiving....

    I've a friend who mentions her, due to her work with autism(as an autistic person). I agree with her idea that if one is going to consume meat, they ought to do so humanely. Though, I'd go a step farther and advocate hunting over farming. To me(and please note, I'm not trying to push my...
  7. JustGeorge

    Happy Thanksgiving....

    I'm of the ethical variety of vegetarian, but generally did not get pushy with others. I gave up meat as a kid(at 12), and while I often didn't comment on my diet past letting anyone who might be preparing food for me know, I remember getting irritated with kids sticking their burgers in my...
  8. JustGeorge

    Happy Thanksgiving....

    My immediate family is vegetarian; my extended family is not. Thanksgiving is annoying. We cut a deal this year that my family will show up after the meal. That worked well for everyone.
  9. JustGeorge

    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    He's being careful...
  10. JustGeorge

    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    What's wrong with that?
  11. JustGeorge


    We actually have a local atheist group... They actively seek to convert, too.
  12. JustGeorge


    Headcannon... Hm. I think that my focus in headcannon goes through periodic changes, but the core of my cannon has changed little... I'm polytheistic and believe in reincarnation.
  13. JustGeorge

    Comedy on YouTube

  14. JustGeorge

    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    Those situations are when study turns into practice. :)
  15. JustGeorge

    How Can We Attract New Members...?

    You know, I'm tired of forum Jesuses. I want to see a forum Ganesh.
  16. JustGeorge

    Sacredness of Food

    Interesting articles! I've actually read that one from Hinduism Today(great magazine!) Thinking back to other studies I've done, I remember rye being particularly sacred to the Baltic countries. Yes, I suppose some of this is regional, but I can't help but notice a similarity. One of the...
  17. JustGeorge

    Sacredness of Food

    In my reading the other day, I encountered a belief the Mayan had about maize: "Our first grandparents were made of maize, and they are the four strengths" Of course, my next move was to find out what the 4 strengths are. It seems its roughly thought to be physical vitality, spiritual wisdom...
  18. JustGeorge

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I suspect the UU movement is a good one overall, but that particular congregation had some problems we just weren't able to cope with long term. The theist teasing got old, the poking at the lower class got old, and hearing politics being preached was what finally nailed in "we gotta go"...
  19. JustGeorge

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    My husband and I taught the 'religious education' program for the teen class at a Unitarian Universalist church for two years. It was all about questions... but, there was no traditional 'religion' to teach. It was mostly morals and values, and self discovery. I only remember talking religion...
  20. JustGeorge

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I saw my Sunday School teacher in a store once... Lots and lots of hugs. She was so happy to see me. I was surprised she remembered me. She was really nice. She was okay with questions. I brought my Jewish cousin to Sunday School with me once, and she spent the whole time learning about...