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  1. F

    What is your age?

    Hi 1628 and welcome to CR you whippersnapper you. You're still four years short of automatically qualifying for official membership at the Old Fart's Corral, however we've been bending the rules a bit lately and your attitudes fit the mold. flow....:p
  2. F


    MMMUUUUUOOOOAAAAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA ! D'ye not ken BLASPHEMER that yer excellency is being set up as an examle of what not to do as the appointed day of judgement rushes down upon us all !!!!?????. Gird yer loins and ready yer innermost beliefs for what must come very soon. flow....:D
  3. F

    Know Thyself

    Hi Taijasi, so good to see you stopping by again. We've missed you. Of course you know that the old crone oracle at Delphi sat on a three legged stool over a crack in the ground out of which floated hallucinogenic gasses which intoxicated her in such ways to give futuristic oracles. OTOH...
  4. F

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    embracing future departing the rust bound past we all exist right now
  5. F

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Chocolate on tongue humid heat in Mexico helps us bear winter
  6. F

    Mesopotamian Origins

    Awww Chris...and I always thought that you were such a cute guy. I've got a freezer full of popsicles in the basement. Or on the other hand he's supposed to be looking out for the arrival of The Man. What if He turns out to be someone like us ? What a dilemma ! flow....:rolleyes:
  7. F

    What Are You Watching on Youtube?

    Pathless...If you haven't already bought a book of Mr. Morrison's poetry and just read it in a quiet place and just thought about it, don't waste another minute. Did someone say...FUNKY ? *I'm the dude with the moustache in the 2nd row dancing behind the girl in the black dress*...
  8. F

    Paradise Is Near!

    HI...cue Twilight Zone theme . flow....:cool:
  9. F

    Mesopotamian Origins

    Okay mee. I'm going to recite a mantra to myself that every time I see your name next to a post, I will totaly disregard it's content and out-of-context, cut-and-paste message, and its implications. Unfortunately you are the first forum member in the past two years that I've had to take this...
  10. F

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    love wisdom and truth call to spirits in the sky invoke them humbly
  11. F


    Again I must fall back upon the simple biological fact that our brains, and the brains of our ancestors back into prehistory, were designed and made to facilitate receptors for cannabis, opioids, and alkaloids in their natural forms. This was an obvious adaptation by the human brain to be able...
  12. F

    Paradise Is Near!

    17th...very profound observations. And you might be interested to know that some of the freshest theories in science teach us that in every aspect of the material universe, endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings. Why shouldn't this also hold true in the realm of the spirit ? flow....;)
  13. F


    Hey wil, I'm just a natural born blasphemer. And i'll bet my patootie that lots of lawmakers have a heavy chunk of CCA stock in their portfolios. I did say organized crime didn't I ? Back in the day there was a fine line between illegal import/export of certain liquids businesses and organized...
  14. F

    This week in Cosmology

    Hi Snoop...You should try and get ahold of an 80's book titled, The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbott. Much maligned by the traditionalist science establishment here. That alone tells me there's probably a lot of truth in it. It centers upon the work of Drs. Pribam and Bohm, and describes...
  15. F

    This week in Cosmology

    Absolutely spot on Snoop. There's a guy named Pribam that's influenced this new sort of thinking also. A lot of their work was done in the mid 20th century and it has taken the rest of the world to catch up and on. BTW, I use a brass drool cup and don't polish it up very often. I see it as a...
  16. F


    Well let's see now. My history book tells me that the people were very simply propagandized in the 1930's into believing that hemp was evil . First through the release and wide distrubution of the film Reefer Madness. Second, the Federal Laws drastically restricting and prohibiting the use and...
  17. F

    Some dates (not all!) for the End of the World

    Dah-veeth...thank you for your response. I'll agree that the events that you listed were significant happenings. From the prespective of those who believe as you do they may well mark the end of an age and the beginning of a new era. But the term "end of the world" connotes deeper and more...
  18. F

    What is your age?

    Tao...How easily the public may be fooled through artificial media and means of communication, but thank you. Triple 21, then add three as of the 26th. If I ever make a big hit somehow. I want you to be my front man and public relations guy, okay ? flow....old fart....:p
  19. F

    Some dates (not all!) for the End of the World

    Hi Da-Veeth...Please explain your belief re: 1844. flow....:rolleyes: