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  1. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    By the way, l actually agree that the swastika and trisquelle are related. I could show you a video if you want. But it goes beyond the point l'm making.
  2. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Hi there, these other symbols don't have a cross at their core. I am making the connection between cross, paganism, swastika, sun. The swastika is a stylised cross was used as a pagan sun symbol. I see no reason to change that statement. Moroever, sun worship is anathema to us, and perhaps...
  3. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    OK thank you. Yep i know Christ was said to have been crucified too. But look at the Swastika, it is a stylised cross and was ubiquitous throughout the world, from the Americas to Japan to Finland to Ireland to the Middle East (?) to India. Whatever people say about the Swastika as a pagan...
  4. S

    Perennial Philosophy and Islam

    Ah i see! Thank you. I would go further though: i think Moses saw the Burning Bush which was probably the closest anyone living got to actually seeing God (??? conjecturing), but he was just looking for firewood at the time, not engaging in any religious practice.
  5. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Ok but can we agree: 1. Cross is a pagan solar symbol, whether it found its way into Christianity or not 2. Muslims consider sun worship to be anathema, to extent that they won't even pray at sunrise, high noon and sunset 3. Christianity adopted the Cross when it became the state religion of the...
  6. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    No ... it is because of the pagan sun symbolism, especially considering the sun rises and sets between the horns of satan and those times were quite dear to the pagans. Christianity was adopted by very powerful pagans that made it amenable to their old pagan ways, through various councils...
  7. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Quote from Qur'an: 006.076 When the night grew dark upon him he beheld a star. He said: This is my Lord. But when it set, he said: I love not things that set. 006.077 And when he saw the moon uprising, he exclaimed: This is my Lord. But when it set, he said: Unless my Lord guide me, I surely...
  8. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Nope not okay. We don't actually have any symbols. The star and crescent was a later addition, l think it was adapted from the pagan Turks and they kept it after converting to Islam. I wrote about it on another thread. The Turks came to dominate Islam. It was already the symbol of Christian...
  9. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Modern commentators fill the internet about the pagan symbolism underlying Christianity. I guess Muslims thought so too from the outset.
  10. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Note how gravitational lensing is the distortion of light. Light - Nur - is one of the 99 names of Allah in the Qur'an. But l think the main thing is, the cross is indeed a solar symbol. We don't worship that which sets.
  11. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Maybe it's a sun symbol and we are very much against sun, moon, planet and star worship, which l gather were the staples of old world paganism. There are times of day we aren't even allowed to pray (sunrise, high noon, and sunset) because the sun rises and sets between the horns of Satan. I...
  12. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    A quick google only brought this up: I was sure there was something more substantial though. There's the eschatological hadith that when Jesus returns he'll break the cross and kill the pigs. I guess the...
  13. S

    Perennial Philosophy and Islam

    OK. I suspect it might all trace back to Hermes Trismegistos. According to Wikipedia, the Quranic prophet Idris is the Biblical Enoch, is the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistos. The Hermetic tradition seems to resonate with all these other traditions. Personally l thought Hermes was Khizr, "The...
  14. S

    Hi there, itinerant Sufism afficionado here

    Sure. I am trying to survive financially at the same time but l'll bite if there's a powerful counterarg. I live for those, as long as the counterargs are constructive. I don't much like agreement, nothing to learn from it.
  15. S

    Perennial Philosophy and Islam

    So, it's the unifying system behind the cosmos at all levels, and all true beliefs. I guess l can see why Neoplatonism features in it. But: How does it differ to Theosophy or Sufism?
  16. S

    Hi there, itinerant Sufism afficionado here

    Hi there, just passing thru. I Googled for religious forums to have a quick philosophical tussle in the ballpark of my religion: Islam. I noticed a few other forums dealing in religion and upon delving l quickly decided: no. No. No way. It was like opening an oven, that blast of hot air. This...
  17. S

    About the Islam board

    Hi there, thank you. OK i will intro myself in the relevant forum.
  18. S

    Question regarding Jinn and "evil spirits"

    Hi there thanks for the welcome and invite. I think l will ease off and probably fade away now. I soon realised l was necroposting, l think l've maxed most of the topics out. Plus l have a ton of real life work to do :P Will respond to alerts in the top right corner for a while yet though.
  19. S

    Question regarding Jinn and "evil spirits"

    Jinns are the spirit world, with some able to materialise. The devils are Jinn that mess with humans. The decent Jinn hide from us and never interfere with us. Some Jinn are Muslim, some Jewish (from the time of Solomon). Even though many Jinn now worship God, all Jinn alive today are said to...
  20. S

    Koran 5:32

    By the way, look at the man in the OP's video. He doesn't look scared, worried, bothered. He's glowing to himself. He loves it. That still frame tells me what l will find in that video. A smug hatchet job on our beliefs.