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  1. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    I would strongly disagree with that based on purely on my experience of my life. It would be based on the fact that what I believed based on what I define as my mystical experiences is what made me stay my hand multiple times when depression made my life seem worthless and meaningless and I...
  2. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    I had similar hallucinations after my own ICU trip. They were not spiritual in nature but rather vocal where I believed my father was walking around the ward telling other patients and their families there how disappointed he was in me. When I talked with my brother later about that experience...
  3. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    I didn't say you jump on every article you read but did ask for a source for the genetic basis for spiritual experiences that you mentioned. Which you didn't provide but rather took offence to instead. In any case, the god Gene is largely a hypothesis from what I can see. Much like a lot of what...
  4. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    Perhaps but while I experienced practically all seizure types(absence, partial and status), like I said, I only manifested it with physical twitches. My MPD was where I talked with 'other beings'. I can honestly say that the God being had approx 3 communications with me in my entire life so...
  5. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    That's the first I've heard of a gene responsible for the mystical. One should be careful not to jump on every article we read claiming to be a scientific study of depth when it is just an idea thrown out there by a research group looking for funding based on limited experimenting. In any case...
  6. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    You're welcome. And thank you too. It is not always possible to find welcome for discussions of mental experiences considering the huge amount of stigma associated with it. In fact, my main reason for starting the thread was that my own family refuses to discuss the topic with me and interfaith...
  7. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    Well even if it was through what we now call a mental delusion, that does not, IMHO, invalidate mental experiences as experiences of the divine. While my epileptic seizures were almost always manifested purely in a physical form, my MPD was realized as an intelligence speaking with me in my mind...
  8. Vasu Devan

    Mental Illness & Religion

    We now have more research into mental illness and science loves to define much of the experiences psychotics and schizophrenics have as 'delusions'. Does anyone think that the ideas of god and spirit could have been birthed by the experiences among our ancestors where they had respected elders...
  9. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    I know about Mathew. I think Luke has some too. But I cherrypick the loving message of Jesus to follow. Like I've said before, my Oneness experience leads me to believe in a loving not punishing spirit. Even the Gospels are iffy because they were selected by the Church, not written by Jesus. I...
  10. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    From what I recall, Revelations was the definitive goto guide for the Church on the actual return. The Gospel references dont talk about hell.
  11. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    I doubt my own sources. Nothing is certain in this reality of ours. But I follow what gives me peace. One can do no more in this world.
  12. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    Yeah, the thing is I don't count Revelations as from the mouth of Jesus. Also, the Beatitudes talk of good stuff for good people. It doesn't mention sinners at all.
  13. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    Oh so am I. Science has just become another religion in some ways imo. I found God within, not among the many external sources which may have been doctored.
  14. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    It's been a while but I have read the whole Bible. Wasn't Matthew the main gospel referring to Hell?
  15. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    How is that a Straw Man argument? When the Baptist Fundamentalists and other fire and brimstone preachers needed a punishing God's words instead of a loving God's words, the OT was their goto text! But I am not here to dig up tired old arguments of Xtian against non-Xtian. For me, it is enough...
  16. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    Well the Christian God only accepts those who believe in him and follow his commands, so he is conditionally loving. And when many Xtians want their God to be cruel, they can dig up something in the OT. When they need him to be loving, they can dig up something in the NT. Hell is after all a...
  17. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    I've never had a lucid dream but I came close by seeing myself wearing a T-shirt with the words "I am lucid dreaming" and STILL didnt get my rational circuits to jump. I may have gone into lucid dream state if I'd stuck with it longer but the training plays hell with sleep states so I quit...
  18. Vasu Devan

    Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

    Lucid dreaming has been conclusively proved by science. It is recognized as a state different from waking and rem sleep. Https:// it is possible to train yourself to trigger it. Yes. It also did not take place with the senses of this reality...
  19. Vasu Devan

    Is freewill real or just something we invented it ?

    As you understand God....