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  1. D

    No Marriage in Heaven ?

    Still doesn't answer the question of which of the seven brothers the wife will be.
  2. D

    Not much snow at all. At least not the sticking kind. As it started after dark, the kid were...

    Not much snow at all. At least not the sticking kind. As it started after dark, the kid were inside most of the time. Didn't even know it smowed.
  3. D

    Can I go to heaven without my spouse ?

    So are you saying that eunuchs can get married in the spiritual realm?
  4. D

    Are Roman Catholics Christian?

    Do you mean whether the Roman Catholic doctrine is Christian or that Roman Catholics in general are Christians? If the latter, then no one, I believe, can make a blanket statement like this. It totally depends on the individual Catholic's relationship with the Lord.
  5. D

    "Is God Good?" is not a Valid Question

    Asking only for the sake of arguement, why is it necessary for God to be 'good' in order to be God? Couldn't their be an evil God that is just as creative? Or an indifferent God for that matter, as deists claim? What would be the difference?
  6. D

    Can I go to heaven without my spouse ?

    And what about eunuchs? How are they going to be completed?
  7. D

    God Did Not Bless Adam & Eve Sexual Union

    Where ever does it say they needed to wait until maturity until they could have sex? They were already made full grown adults. And to be honest, I do not see how you can exegesis sexual union out of eating the fruit. God created sex, so how can that be sin? What about all the animals that...
  8. D

    God Did Not Bless Adam & Eve Sexual Union

    So for your convenience, you switched it around? Chapter 2 is expanding what has happened in chapter 1. Verse 19, for instance, is the retelling of the creation of the land animals referred to in chapter 1, verse 14-25. Therefore, the creation of Adam 2:7 Eve in 2:21-25 is the same as the...
  9. D

    Happy birthday Faithful Servant

    Ack, I missed it! Darned Thanksgiving weekend! Happy Belated Birthday, Donna!
  10. D

    Jews as Chosen People: A Theosophical Perspective

    If there was any 'chosen', wouldn't it have begun with the covenant with Abraham, particularly in regards to his seed: "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of...
  11. D

    Roll with it

    I got the same feeling while watching Forrest Gump.
  12. D

    What is wrong with atheism ?

    Why does God have to appear as an authoritative parent? Are there not alternative ways to view the concept of God? Let's forget a moment that there is a group of scriptures that claims to be the Word of God. Couldn't we imagine what a Creator might be like through intuition? Suppose God...
  13. D

    God Did Not Bless Adam & Eve Sexual Union

    But their sexual union was blessed by God, even before the Fall. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:" -...
  14. D

    I've become an Evangelical Universalist

    I'm not saying that 'aion' cannot ever mean neverending, but in many instances it would not make sense to. In the particular example you provided above, I would argue that the subjects of this verse are the nations separated as the sheep and the goats, as indicated in Matthew 25:32. So even...
  15. D

    I've become an Evangelical Universalist

    Where have I lacked in the fear factor? Nothing I have implied ignores the consequences. Just how much fear is needed to change a person? We don't really know what hell is like. Oh, he can imagine being burned in a fire, but no one alive has experienced the perpetual torment where the fire is...
  16. D

    I've become an Evangelical Universalist

    Perhaps you could elaborate, for the sake of my big thick skull. Whatever are you talking about?
  17. D

    "Conservative Bible Project"

    Sounds like The Jesus Seminar already beat them to it. Jesus Seminar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  18. D

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    I'm pretty much with what Dogbrain said in post #157.
  19. D

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    It's one thing to say that the Father and the Son comes and makes their abode in us. But the catylist for doing so is not 'asking Jesus in our hearts', rather it is in our obedience to Him. Look at your reference in context: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth...
  20. D

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Where, pray tell, does the bible ever tell us to 'ask Jesus into our hearts' or 'let Jesus into our hearts'? Are our hearts still wicked even if we do 'ask Jesus into our hearts'?