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  1. E

    Evolution is Unscientific

    If the universe and life came into existence purely by natural causes, where is the hard and testafiable evidence to back this up? Where is the evidence, to show how the matter and energy came into existence, to set off the Big Bang?
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    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I have been a volunteer Street Pastor for the last fifteen years, we wonder the streets of our town until 3 - 4am, to listen care and help when we can. We don't go out to preach, and generally will only talk about God, if someone asks a God question first. Before we go out, we pray that God...
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    Evolution is Unscientific

    The only God worth searching for, is the creator of the universe and life. Could your supreme soul create the universe and life?
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    Absolute Truth

    I totally agree with you. People don't care what I believe, they prefer to know that I care. We should be able to agree on 'Moral Truths' these are universal, people of all faiths and no faiths can understand morality, and how we should treat each other.
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    What are you here for?

    No matter what God we think we are praying to, the same God hears all our prayers. We all have a duty to care for all of God's creation, and that has to mean caring for each other, despite all our differences. God cares for all of us, so you will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not...
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    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    I asked Bing AI, Can God love us more than he loves himself? That is another very deep and philosophical question. There are different ways to approach it, depending on one’s perspective and beliefs. Some possible answers are: God cannot do anything greater than love us as he loves himself...
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    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    Earth has the ideal conditions for life, so why do we have to look elsewhere for the origins of life. Why look at Mars, or any other nearby planet, even if there are remote signs of life, they have not advanced like we have. Saying life could have come from comets crashing down to Earth, or...
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    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    But the theories today, amount to no more than beliefs. Real science would show the evidence to say how it could happen without God? that hard testafiable evidence does not exist. We can see the diversity and complexity of life today, it had to get here somehow. The very incomplete fossil...
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    Lost in Trans Nation

    My daughter has been a midwife for about twenty years in the UK. She is now having to deal with neutral words like pregnant patients, pregnant people, pregnant teens these descriptions present an inclusive alternative. To me, this sounds like madness. A hundred percent of people who give birth...
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    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    A zygote has all the necessary information, so no problem. Now go back four billion years, to no life, then 3.8 billion years to single cell bacteria type cells. Where is the evidence to show how multi trillion cell organisation progressed from 3.8 billion years ago. All there is, is guess work...
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    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    Mathematically, how could evolution happen without God? Four billion years ago, there was no life. The human body has around thirty plus trillion cells. The cells are renewed at the rate of around 330 billion every day. This means our bodies are producing and organising cells at the rate of...
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    Your religious/spiritual journey

    The biggest miracle is the creation of the universe and life. If God can create Adam from the dust of the ground, then the resurrection and all other miracles are child's play by comparison. The first life had to happen somehow, tell me how it happened without God.
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    Absolute Truth

    Can there be one absolute truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater? Could God create anything greater than children in his own image, likeness and nature? Could God love all his children as he loves himself? Could God love us more than he loves himself? Jesus died...
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    Our image of God

    Our imagination is very limited, we cannot understand or imagine how the universe came into being by natural causes. We have absolutely no testafiable evidence to show how this could happen. You can make God anything you like, but that cannot change who God is. If God created the universe...
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    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I was brought up Catholic, and left the church when I was a teenager, the temptations of the world led me astray. I started to search for God in my late forties, my faith journey has been profound and beyond my understanding. In 1990 my mum went into a coma and was rushed to hospital, her...
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    Our image of God

    I believe the first sentence in the Bible to be an absolute truth. 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. I believe God created us, because he loves us as he loves himself.
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    The Warrior Philosophe

    The futility of war. Jesus commanded to love, forgive and to pray for our enemies.
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    Follow Christ but not Christian

    With an absence of evidence, are you using logic to say, the universe came into being by natural causes?
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    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    I only claimed a collection of words to challenge the mind to think, and to search for something greater. We are all free to believe as we chose.
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    Some of my religious experiences

    Me too. When God reveals himself in such ways, I believe we are then being asked to do something.