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  1. E

    Faith, Peace, and Love

    Love is sacrificial. The greatest commandments have been described as putting God first, our neighbours next and self last. Not an easy thing to do in this world today. I am not sure you can have peace without Justice. If you could draw a line today, and list every outstanding injustice in the...
  2. E

    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    The greatest good God, can there be a God who loves us as he loves himself? There can only be one God, no matter what name we call him by, this cannot change who God is
  3. E

    There is no proof of God ...

    Agreed, but as we are on interfaith forum.... The Jews are God's chosen people. Christians are first chosen by Christ. In Islam, Allah chooses whom he wills. There is only the 'One God', so it seems the same God chooses each of us through a different path. Sorry, not sure about any other...
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    The Myth of Progress

    The golden rule in Christianity is to love God, and to love all our neighbours as we love ourselves. This is sacrificial, we put God first, our neighbours second and ourself last. If we truly wanted to lift our brothers and sisters out of grinding poverty and starvation, we can only do this by...
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    The Myth of Progress

    But if you lived in a shack in the woods in the US, with no running water, no electric, gas or wifi, and grew your own food, you could live on less than you are living on now. This is the lifestyle thrust on hundreds of millions of people, who go to bed hungry at night.
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    The Myth of Progress

    If you are lucky enough to earn more than £10,000 per year in the UK, that puts you amongst the top 16%, of the richest people on Earth. Your income is more than 4 times the global median. The median average salary for all workers in the UK is £27,756. If you are interested, you can see how...
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    Enemies of Reason P1

    You haven't answered my question, because you can't. It is incredible that you choose not to question your own beliefs in science, you just say, natural selection did it. Not good enough.
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    Enemies of Reason P1

    Mathematically, how could evolution happen without God? 3.8 billion years ago, single cell life emerged, it existed for around 1.5 billion years. A generation could be measured in hours or days. Possibly, billion or trillions of generations remained single, That should make single cell life...
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    Enemies of Reason P1

    We have life today, so life started somehow. If you can prove abiogenesis, there is still $10 million up for grabs.
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    Enemies of Reason P1

    Sounds like science fiction to me, minus the logic. Arguments mean there is no evidence. There is no evidence for the creation of the universe and life by natural causes. Something either had no beginning, or something did not come from anything. Now apply this logic to a natural cause.
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    Enemies of Reason P1

    Sorry, I can't watch 47 minutes of Dawkins, I have heard his rants before. The creation of the universe is history, and you can't change history. Either, God created the universe and life. or there is no god. This is first and foremost, how I apply logic and reason. Life is too complex, I just...
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    My mum suffered from multiple sclerosis for about the last thirty years of her life. She gradually lost the use of both legs, then both her hands, she spent about the last fifteen years of her life paralysed from the neck down. She went into a coma and was rushed to hospital, her breathing was a...
  13. E

    Growth Christianity

    When I signed up to be a Street Pastor, It challenged my understanding of forgiveness. There was a possibility I might be hurt; do I forgive them? Before I went out on my first shift, I made it my intentions that I should forgive anyone in advance if I did get hurt. Technically, I have never...
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    Growth Christianity

    I am always amazed at what kindness can achieve; when dealing with violence. I have been a Street Pastor since 2008, we are volunteers from many different churches. I can remember the first big fight we saw; about a dozen angry drunks punching the living daylights out of each other. We face a...
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    Growth Christianity

    We shall be going out with the Street Pastor team tomorrow night, we will probably finish around 4 am. We wonder the streets of our town to listen, care and help when we can. New Years Eve can be a joyful time, it can also turn nasty, but we put our faith in God and Go. We first pray that God...
  16. E

    Growth Christianity

    Good and evil - heaven or hell poses a dilemma. The atheist might say, I didn't ask to be born, why should I spend an eternity in hell for bad choices I make in life? In Christianity, we say the Lord's prayer, and we tell God what to do. Forgives us our trespasses, as we forgive those who...
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    Growth Christianity

    To love God and to love all our neighbours as we love ourselves, is probably the biggest challenge to growth. Our neighbours put so many obstacles in the way, that it is hard to love them as we love ourselves. Our spiritual growth hangs on breaking down these barriers. Jesus died for me and for...
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    On the Question of Evil

    Before the flood, and up to the Time of Moses, there were no laws, mankind only had the knowledge between good and evil. When Cain killed Abel, there was not a law of do not kill. I believe the law of God is a profound subject, but the law of God only works if we all choose to willingly and...
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    On the Question of Evil

    We all die, so death is not the problem. Imagine God looking down on humanity at any point in our history, he would see all the injustice that we are capable of. As to the Ark, or plagues, God has the power to restore us all to a greater good life after death. If there is no God, most people...
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    Muslim Reformers

    Justice is only justice, when you take away the labels of race, religion nationality, and treat everyone the same. Justify bombing Iraq.