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  1. E

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    When people disobey religion, then we have wars. We are commanded to love all our neighbours as we love ourselves. We are commanded to love and pray for our enemies. Leaders have always known how to manipulate the masses. Hermann Goering, Germany Reborn “Why of course the people don't want...
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    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    To you agree with the science that makes better and bigger bombs?
  3. E

    Absolute Truth

    Don't tell the word police, I can't afford a criminal record at my time of life.:oops:
  4. E

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    People blatantly ignore science. There is far more evidence that says smoking is bad for you, yet millions ignore this convincing science. There is far less evidence to show how the universe happened by natural causes. Thanks to science, I stopped smoking forty years ago. I am just waiting for...
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    Absolute Truth

    Beliefs on their own can do no harm. It is what we choose to do with our belief that can cause good or evil.
  6. E

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    He called them hypocrites, a brood of vipers, they place a burden on the poor, and do nothing to help them, they seek the place of honour. Jesus taught a profound lesson, to put others first, to help the poor, to forgive and show mercy.
  7. E

    "a special potency" -- which healing prayer is that?

    God works in mysterious and profound ways. If the words of the prayer were all that is needed, then everyone would be healed if they used this prayer. I sense, we also need to do something, we have to have faith and trust in what we pray for. In 2011 I had tests done for cancer, about a month...
  8. E

    Injustice, Anger and Forgiveness.

    I knew a man whose teenage child had been killed in an accident. It hit him hard, and he struggled to come to terms with it. Months later, at the inquest, there was evidence to show it was not an accident, there was blame. The man was fined and ordered to do community service. Justice had been...
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    Absolute Truth

    I am always troubled by how we see truth, and more importantly how we use truth. It would be far easier if there were a thousand Jesus Christs, we could all go off in our little groups and make up our own rules. My analogy, and it is a bad one. One church will only allow people in with green...
  10. E

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    Science is neutral. Science has helped us develop both medication and nuclear bombs, what science do you want to follow?
  11. E

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    God has given us profound ways to follow him, tomorrow's reading comes from Philippians 2. Brothers and sisters: If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love...
  12. E

    Public Evangelization

    Fifteen years volunteering with street pastors, I have benefited from maybe half a dozen BBQs and one Christmas lunch. No one said you could ask for a Porsche, must check through our policies, we could be missing out:D
  13. E

    Absolute Truth

    Atheists, Catholics, Muslims, Hindu, will never agree on doctrine. It is far easier for all of us to agree on a moral truth of kindness, how should we treat each other? I firmly believe the most important absolute truth that has any meaning, is a moral truth. This moral truth will have more...
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    Public Evangelization

    You have survived to write your story, I hope it was not too traumatic. Street Pastors was influenced by an incident in Jamaica. A friend of a church minister was shot and killed by a gang of youths. After the funeral, the minister and some of the congregation prayed, and they asked, what can...
  15. E

    Public Evangelization

    We had our local JW round this morning for a couple of hours, we have known him for many years. I have been inviting him to join in with the various Churches Together activities in our town, food banks, homeless shelters, debt help, good neighbours schemes and more. Sadly, JW's can't work with...
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    Evolution is Unscientific

    We can look at the variety of life today, it had to come into existence somehow. The 'How' is the big question. There are millions of species with eyes, lungs, muscles, etc, but we can't test how these first came into existence. The ancient fossil records give us something to work with. This is...
  17. E

    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    Of course, but if your god created the universe and life. What was his greatest purpose to do so?
  18. E

    Absolute Truth

    It's a very old story. No matter what conclusions the blind men come to, if we saw them, we would know they are touching different parts of an elephant. Calling something true, can only make it true, if it is true. Could God love each and every one of us as he loves himself? Can there be any...
  19. E

    Injustice, Anger and Forgiveness.

    The person who angers you, controls you. They make you think things and do things you don't want to do. They stop you being the kind and caring person you want to be. They could even be a thousand miles away or dead, but they still control what goes on in your mind. When you say he makes me...
  20. E

    Absolute Truth

    Truth is truth, no matter what anyone chooses to believe. The creation of the universe is history, and you can't change history. Was the universe and life created by God, or did it happen by natural causes? If seven billion people believed the wrong truth, numbers won't make wrong beliefs...