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  1. talib-al-kalim

    on Faith

    You have found it in the Quran before me. Both, the Quran and Hadith need to be understood, and understanding is based on interpretation. What I said is my own interpretation. Others may interpret it differently.
  2. talib-al-kalim

    on Faith

    I had a similar experience as @wil; at distance, without knowing very much about Baha'ullah's teachings, I thought that he tried to bring the religions together, but I learnt that he rather covered previous revelation with his own stuff. Nonetheless, I have a good impression of you as a person...
  3. talib-al-kalim

    Fast from the World

    I'm surprised that you talk about heaven and hell in the context of Hinduism. I must admit that I have very little knowledge of Hinduism, but, drawing from Buddhism, I thought that the concept was that every creature is reborn until he/she succeeds to enter Nirvana.
  4. talib-al-kalim

    on Faith

    Why is it a night journey, not a day journey? Because we sleep at night. And we have dreams. Most of them are just a remix of the last days and we forget them. Some stay in our minds, and they make sense when we reflect them. I don't think that this has been different for the prophet Muhammad...
  5. talib-al-kalim

    Fast from the World

    I actually don't feel a close link between the exercise of physical fasting and "fasting from the world" (#7). Even in orthodox Islam, it is not recommended to fast if it harms your health, so that your decision not to fast would be fully acceptable for Muslim as well. However, fasting...
  6. talib-al-kalim

    Fast from the World

    Muhammad (p.b.u.h) fasted himself, and it seems that he drew benefit from that exercise, so that he at least recommended to fast in Ramadan. He also recommended to break the fast every evening, although he had also fasted two consecutive days. The distinction between mustahab (recommended) and...
  7. talib-al-kalim

    There is no proof of God ...

    I meant the latter, as the most prominent actor who rejected Jesus; made him be crucified and continued to be hostile to his followers.
  8. talib-al-kalim

    on Faith

    Scholars mostly agree that Hebrews is not by Paul.
  9. talib-al-kalim

    Fast from the World

    Fasting, and breaking the fast, I actually get to appreciate the goodness of this world. Simultaneously, the world around me keeps on acting as before, busy, unthoughtful, and I am in it, feeling a bit more than usually that something is wrong. Fasting has two faces or more, and the world has...
  10. talib-al-kalim

    Fast from the World

    As now, Ramadan falls into the traditional fasting period of the Christians, I would like to discuss the meaning of fasting. Contributions from other, non-Abrahamic religions would be welcome, too. What is the meaning of fasting? In particular: What is the meaning of "fasting from the World"...
  11. talib-al-kalim

    There is no proof of God ...

    My remark was of course a bit ironic. I don't doubt that Sha`ul alias Paul existed. Ehrmann is not really a good reference for what really happened because he doesn't really know more than we know from the 1st century literature. By the way, I suggest that it was Kaifas and corp. who founded...
  12. talib-al-kalim

    There is no proof of God ...

    You have no proof that Paul ever existed...
  13. talib-al-kalim

    laws of nature...

    Almost all fossils show A) shells (of coquilles and mussels etc.), followed by B) semi-hard skeletons of sea-urchins and similar, followed by C) bones (of vertebrates). Already D) egg shells are rare. Fossils of soft things essentially come from replacement. The most frequent is that the part is...
  14. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    I agree with you in that the Trinity dogma is an error, and that this error encouraged to even greater sin, as you said, when the church gained power to prosecute those who rejected it. I don't fully agree with the rest of your points. My analysis is: In the beginning there was the Messianic...
  15. talib-al-kalim

    There is no proof of God ...

    - You are ridiculing God by screwing God down to human scale. - The "sacrifice of His son" is a Christian interpretation of human cruelty and its outcome. I do not share all aspects of this interpretation, neither, in particular, your interpretation. - In my belief, I am (hopefully) a son of...
  16. talib-al-kalim

    Common doctrine and a Baha'i-Christian dialogue

    His speech is directed to his disciples. "Mister" is a remains of feudalism, which is not really a Christian thing. "Reverend", from "honoured" is also problematic if it is applied only because of the position. Islam use to add honorifics to prophets and great scholars, but not to living...
  17. talib-al-kalim

    Common doctrine and a Baha'i-Christian dialogue

    minister means serve. Presbyters, Elders are the council of the community. Deacons are responsible for giving and coordinating charity. Larger Muslim communities have such people as well, but, of cause, everyone may and should do that also by own initiative. Supposing it is authentic, it's not...
  18. talib-al-kalim

    Common doctrine and a Baha'i-Christian dialogue

    Jesus didn't teach to have a clergy (Don't say "father" to any human but God alone; he didn't mean the natural father but just the "patres" and the popes (papa). He founded two sacraments, the baptism and the communion. But he didn't teach to baptise infants and to have the Roman Catholic...
  19. talib-al-kalim

    Common doctrine and a Baha'i-Christian dialogue

    Got to differentiate. The Quran just states that Jesus is neither God nor a physical son of God, but a very particular human Messenger and Messiah), and that Monastism has never been prescribed. But yes, the Quran calls for correction on those points. Jesus also pointed out that there are Jewish...
  20. talib-al-kalim

    There is no proof of God ...

    We (believers in Abrahamic faith) understand God as perfect. We read in Mt, The hadith parallels to Lk 6,32-36. In Lk 6:36, we read, The original word Jesus used is probably טוב, good, which can be interpreted in both senses. God makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain...