Search results

  1. talib-al-kalim

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    I have collected some scenarios in my comment to the Gospel accounts, I may share with you: The first day was the 14th Nisan, the ערב פֶּסַח (“erev pessach”, eve of Passover) or ערב פֶּסַח (“leil ha-Seder”). Some of the actions described in the following are linked to the traditions of this...
  2. talib-al-kalim

    Confused by a book on Perennialism

    Maybe you came onto someone who is close to the Pius Society who are also called traditionalists but, in contrast to the Perennialists you search for are not open to anything. At least Schuon, of whom I read long time ago from a book from a library, is very open to any religion, but he's rather...
  3. talib-al-kalim

    Confused by a book on Perennialism

    I am not a specialist, but for sure, early perennialist authors didn't complain about political correctness because they published before this term was even established. I recommend to read originals like Schuon's De l'Unité transcendante des religions, which has certainly been translated into...
  4. talib-al-kalim

    The real meaning of taking G-d's name in vain

    I agree to the preacher. Apart from some particularly Christian formulations, what he preaches is actually the principle of dîn in Islam. We have the same commandment repeated in the Quran (7:180) "God has the Most Excellent Names. Call on Him by His Names and keep away from those who distort...
  5. talib-al-kalim

    The Principle of Orthodoxy

    "Orthodox" means "conforming the teachings". It's usually based on a tradition of generations of scholars who published their thoughts that are based on the prior thoughts. The multitude of scholars grants for a certain variety, but it it excludes any thoughts that contradict a prior teaching as...
  6. talib-al-kalim

    Gebet, um Ihren Partner zurückzubringen

    Yes, sounds like advertising. This forum is definitely international. Although it would be easier for me to get write in German or French, I think that it's better to write in English, but sometimes, an other language may be clearer or more original; I'd suggest that posts in other languages...
  7. talib-al-kalim

    Christian Nationalism

    sorry, I failed to understand what you said cause all translations of roe didn't fit...
  8. talib-al-kalim

    Sacredness of Food

    For us, according to Islam, food is not sacred, but essential. Above all, we should share food; giving food to those who are hungry is the priority coming second but inherently deriving from the first commandment, which is to respect God. .. to give food in times of famine, to an orphaned...
  9. talib-al-kalim

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I've long time refused the Gospel of John. But I took the effort to dive into the complex answer of this book on its inherent main concern,: Who is Jesus? The key is John's thesis that Jesus is not only Jesus, the man, but he "is" also the Word of God that existed before mankind. Many of the...
  10. talib-al-kalim

    Roots of Good & Evil

    Ä An example of re-defining a good symbol into an evil one. There are more problems like that. For example, I heard my classmates saying "Wir haben einen Neger in unserer Klasse", translate "We have a Negro in our class". They said it with proud, because there were only very few Africans living...
  11. talib-al-kalim

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    What I wrote to @Aupmanyav before also applies to you. You, too, have fallen into your favourite subject. We should somehow try to focus on the subject of the thread, and not discuss everything anywhere. There would be a lot to say on the main subject.
  12. talib-al-kalim

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    In fact, everyone here knows that you are an atheist. Arguments against the existence of God are welcome in the thread "Does God really exist?", but not everywhere. Although threads tend to lose focus after a while, we should all not discuss everything anywhere (that doesn't only apply to you)...
  13. talib-al-kalim

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I think this discussion thread already exists: Your religious/spiritual journey (sorry I didn't find out how to make a link to a thread)
  14. talib-al-kalim

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    It's not the same in my community. Maybe because it's a community of immigrants, many refugees, and only the younger have the power and the motivation to emigrate and seek a better and secure life somewhere although high fences and administrative obstacles try to hinder them. I'm 58 years old...
  15. talib-al-kalim

    Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?

    There is, indeed a background in the deeds of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) who finally fought against the polytheists who had previously chased him away. Still, I don't agree to any act of violence unless it is evidently self defence. We should edify the "temple" in ourselves. Nobody who is doing that...
  16. talib-al-kalim

    Anti - Semitic

    Abstracting from the fact that the Semitic people include not only Israelites but also various peoples including the Arabs, the scope of Antisemitism is often enlarged to anyone criticising the acts of the Israeli government's action. I'm among those people, and, adding to it, I'm a Muslim. But...
  17. talib-al-kalim

    Does God really exist?

    Of course you can make a story about it as well, based on what you know or on what you mean to say. Revelation is not a transfer of scientific knowledge, but guided thought. God did not create the world in six days. Anyway, days didn't exist before the earth formed, orbiting the sun. The Quran...
  18. talib-al-kalim

    Does God really exist?

    Good image. The two faces of the coin look different. Still it's the same coin. The way we search for the origin of all defines our perspective. This doesn't exclude that what you see from the other perspective is wrong. The thing is that the origin of all is less observable than a coin on the...
  19. talib-al-kalim

    Does God really exist?

    I have now read the entire discussion on this thread. The only certain truth is that we cannot know the truth. We are all, in fact, agnostic, both believers and disbelievers. A disbeliever cannot experience the benefit of belief. He may try to explain the effect of prayer as something going on...
  20. talib-al-kalim

    The truth about Trinity

    We in Islam have the "99 Names of God". These are all descriptive attributes like "The Merciful" or "The Teacher". Islam is strictly monotheistic, though. We may translate "Allah" into any language. Still, God is One.