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  1. talib-al-kalim

    Religious attendance continues to fall.

    Things are of course different from one community to the other, from one religion to the other, and from one state to the other. I never used media for prayer or for Juma (the main prayer on Friday, maybe comparable to Christian services on Sunday or Jewish on Saturday). I don't see any value...
  2. talib-al-kalim

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Important to note that narrations may be retold in an other language than the original, and peoples sometimes abandoned their language for an other one which was somehow dominant; e.g. Celtic languages have been given up in large parts of Western Europe (it was spoken in Spain, France...
  3. talib-al-kalim

    Evolution is Unscientific

    You are right. "is" is in German "ist" from the arian root "asti". You mentioned the Sanskrit root for "Essen".
  4. talib-al-kalim

    Clarifying Christianity 2: Was Newton an Arian?

    It's Newton who used the terms "natural" and "political" to discern between the world we should honour and the world we should refuse. He lived in the time of absolute monarchy; there was no real difference between politics and the powers (kings and gentiles).
  5. talib-al-kalim

    The New Roman "Interfaith" Religion - the End of Animal Sacrifices

    Sorry, as English is not my first language, I don't understand you, as others did. What do you want to say?
  6. talib-al-kalim

    Clarifying Christianity 2: Was Newton an Arian?

    Newton was a Unitarian. God is God and human is human. Subordinarism is more complicated. He discerns between the natural world which is the world created by God and the political world, the world Jesus fought and defeated. He says that Jesus was entirely part of the natural world, but not of...
  7. talib-al-kalim

    Peace and Love guys - Joshua newbie here!

    Me, I've not been waiting for it so long, I'm not yet 60 years old.... But no, it's a valid question. I'm going to post a non-binding proposal of an answer later when I feel better. Just curing my cold...
  8. talib-al-kalim

    Survival of the kindest...

    I haven't read a book about it, but I understand what it means. Do you want to discuss a book or a topic?
  9. talib-al-kalim

    The Three Magi

    What is the spiritual value of the narrative of the three magi for you? I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. But I don't disrespect the Bible, just have an other approach to it. I see the Gospel accounts as traditions written down. The authors of those scriptures were certainly pious people...
  10. talib-al-kalim

    The Three Magi

    You are somehow 180 degrees opposite to each other concerning your base of belief/acceptance: accepting the Bible unconditionally vs. accepting evidence only. I am in between. I think there's a lot of meaningful wisdom and guidance in the scriptures, but I weigh the importance by experience...
  11. talib-al-kalim


    1 This Herod reigned over both, but only Bethlehem in Judea was a town, the other a small village. If you say you go to Berlin, everyone will understand that you go to the well-known city, not to the village in the very north of Germany or in New Hampshire. Likewise, mentioning Bethlehem...
  12. talib-al-kalim

    The Three Magi

    There are many points in which Luke and the author of Mt disagree in the childhood narratives. @TheAnointed made a good point on this particular difference. It's very likely that the narrative has been fabricated just to meet one expectation on the Messiah mentioned in the scriptures. Under this...
  13. talib-al-kalim

    New Messiahs

    The scriptures of the New Testament do not claim that there won't be any prophets after Jesus,. Prophets are still expected; Paul even expects prophets in Christian communities of his time. The Quran declares Muhammad as the "seal of prophecy". Muslim do not expect or accept any prophet after him.
  14. talib-al-kalim

    Joined today.

    Welcome. We Muslim have recently introduced ourselves in the thread muslims please introduce yourselves.
  15. talib-al-kalim

    New Messiahs

    Seems he was right in this thread, but he should have read that he is not the second but maybe the 127th coming of Christ ;)
  16. talib-al-kalim

    New Messiahs

    But he or she was active as a guest after your post above. Might become a member...
  17. talib-al-kalim

    New Messiahs

    It would be helpful to quote the post you are answering, using the Reply button.
  18. talib-al-kalim

    Why I take the Bible literally

    I don't have insight to the documents but even a German Catholic publication mentions this, Muslim authorities chased away bin Rushd, who also said that the moon is turning around the earth, but earth is...
  19. talib-al-kalim

    Why I take the Bible literally

    Exodus 31:15 says, The episode around Mark 2:23 deals with the interpretation of "work". Jesus (p.b.u.h) said that they were eating (allowed), not harvesting (work, disallowed). He also said (Th 27:2) He didn't abolish the law, but he explained it. Saying, "The Shabbat is made for mankind not...
  20. talib-al-kalim

    Why I take the Bible literally

    Why do you say that? As far as I know, the Messiah is not even mentioned in the Torah...