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  1. talib-al-kalim

    Why I take the Bible literally

    Indeed, scientists knew it, but the church leaders (and also some Muslim leaders) were powerful enough to suppress this knowledge. This is not fiction, it's documented.
  2. talib-al-kalim

    The truth about Trinity

    Where did you get this translation from? All translations I know don't put "without". I have absolutely no knowledge of Coptic, but my suggestion of the original, based on all five translations I know, is It is a play of words with elohim, used exclusively for "people of God", i.e. true...
  3. talib-al-kalim

    Hart in conversation III: Faith and Reason

    "Blind" faith can be helpful for those who feel insecure, provided that they have a good guide. But they may become victims of victims of interested or misguided people. But finally, a good guide would have to be someone who has a faith that is built on reality, wisdom and love.
  4. talib-al-kalim

    Hart in conversation III: Faith and Reason

    You can reach faith through reason as Hart says. But you can also opt for faith because of different types of fear: - You can't handle the uncertainty of reasoning and you don't trust reason. - You fear the punishment of hell. - You fear the punishment by religious authorities or activists and...
  5. talib-al-kalim

    Hart in conversation II

    I don't have any profound knowledge of Catholic or Eastern Orthodox dogmatics. I'm wondering why Hart makes out grace and nature as opposed to each other, then discards it. The main opposition discussed between Christian views and between Christians and Muslim is actually grace vs. merits.
  6. talib-al-kalim

    Hart in conversation: You are Gods

    I agree with him in that I don't suppose a difference between the nature and a supranature. I deeply believe that God manifests in the nature, and He acts through the nature.The distinction between "spiritual" and "worldly" is only a matter of orientation. God manifests Himself in all, but no...
  7. talib-al-kalim

    Christian Nationalism

    I find myself in the role of defending abortions. I want to point out that I don't. The base of the 120 days is in Hadith of Muhammad (p.b.u.h), who explained, There is a (weak) variant saying 4 weeks instead of 40 days. In Islam, the 120 days or 12 week period is only about punishment. The...
  8. talib-al-kalim

    Christian Nationalism

    I don't think that your attitude towards abortion is nationalist. It's not even confessional in Christianity. According to Halacha (Jewish interpretation of the Word they received) life is only protected after birth (extrapolated form Ex 21:22). According to Shariah, abortion is discouraged...
  9. talib-al-kalim

    Christian Nationalism

    I respect your position to just take the entire Bible as a book that of truth without questioning it. That's your choice and I don't even think that it does any harm to you as long as you accept that others - not only Muslim but also Christians - have a different approach but still believe...
  10. talib-al-kalim

    Christian Nationalism

    I prefer a differentiated approach; neither is all invented nor has everything happened as it has been told. You say, "We believe them all": there's the full range of acceptance and doubts amongst the Christian authors as well. Muslim Hadith science is quite sensible of the fact that not all...
  11. talib-al-kalim

    Christian Nationalism

    How could any of the companions know that? In my eyes, it's a legend. The tribunal may have been reported because the Romans always made it in public (at least if it was an official one), but who should know what his wife told him?
  12. talib-al-kalim

    Evolution is Unscientific

    I don't disagree with you but I don't really agree with you saying that science is primarily based on logic. Science is an attempt to explain how things work or may have worked, starting from observation, going to a model which would be refined or discarded according to whether it predicts...
  13. talib-al-kalim

    If prayer works

    It's been a trick of his adversaries who wanted him to say something against the Romans. Nevertheless, he found an answer that fit into the message: He confirmed that the official Roman occupants have no share of God's Kingdom. He didn't break the law of the rulers but he disqualified it.
  14. talib-al-kalim

    If prayer works

    Abandonment of the world (practiced by ascetics who try to lead a life outside society) is not the independence recommended by the great religious teachers. Jesus, for example, actively went to the people. His independence was mental; he didn't submit to the rules of the rulers.
  15. talib-al-kalim

    If prayer works

    the religious answer in many religions, Jain, Buddhist, Christian, Islamic practice (who influenced each other) is the independence from the "world" If we pray to God in free prayer, before we bring our thoughts before Him, we check them, whether they are really worth bringing them to Him. In...
  16. talib-al-kalim

    New Messiahs

    that's a theory of physics. that's a claim that isn't based on physics. Thus, nothing can be drawn from the combination of the physical theory with a non physical axiom.
  17. talib-al-kalim

    If prayer works

    Indeed, we have (as humanity). But everyone, even if aged over 80, is quite new here.
  18. talib-al-kalim

    Muslim Reformers

    I think, the first thing to teach is essence of the final teachings of the greatest scholars: Faith is fulfilling the unity with God, and it starts with the love of God and all that belongs to Him (and all belongs to Him!). Once you have understood this, no major harm may come on you, although...
  19. talib-al-kalim

    If prayer works

    I don't believe that God is an extra natural actor. What we know as His Will is the instruction to us to act in the sense of harmony and constructiveness with all . Our prayers don't have a direct influence on the course of the world, they form our conscience and consciousness, and encourage us...
  20. talib-al-kalim

    How much does a "Man of God" need?

    It's the other way around: Being righteous and spiritual, you won't be rich. You don't need to fly first class to feel comfortable; you would have greater pleasure to use your wealth to support people in need (or save nature etc.) Of course, it's silly to give money to religious charlatans.