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  1. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Basically just putting the metaphor of a fountain flowing deep and wide to use within whatever religious framework one is comfortable with. God conceptualized as being in the deepest zone of overall reality and at base of being.
  2. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Our discussion here inspired this potential beginning of a potential book. Please critique (if interested). : After many years of philosophizing about spirituality, I seem to have settled on one main focus: depth. While I continue to touch on many other foci, such as wholeness, potentiality...
  3. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I think I might have some of those argumentative genes also. My last name of Moneyhon is most likely of Irish origin. The area where I was raised was mostly German and Irish ancestry.
  4. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Consistent with the hypothesis of an “observer effect,” a suspension of regular knowledge by trusting in God, would improve the ability to mentally access and use quantum effects. The modern mind would need to suspend certainty in other ways. Perhaps seeing/sensing that physical reality is...
  5. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    The “active” part of David Bohm’s and Basil Hiley’s “active information” that orchestrates coordinated action between isolated electrons suggests an energy component of the “information.” This quantum behavior would be consistent with phenomena such as remote healing. If, during collective...
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    Your religious/spiritual journey

    “Wave” (spirit) function collapse? Older beliefs taking on increasingly deadened, matter-like characteristics, like quanta acting more like a particle than a wave. In psychology, new therapies work so well that the promoters assume it is based on the theory behind the therapy. As the therapy...
  7. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Epistemological philosopher Ken Wilber distinguishes between subjective truth and objective truth (actually 4 basic kinds or truth “quadrants,” but subjective/objective seems the main distinction). Metaphorical or figurative truths reveal reliable subjective meaning that can be applied to...
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    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Re: It's a myth if it ain't metaphor yet...once it is it becomes allegory. I finally grasped what you meant. The typo was throwing me off. Yes, once you understand the pattern behind the picture is more true than the picture itself—understand it abstractly instead of literally/concretely, it has...
  9. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    The notion of more divine aspects at the base of a fountain flowing up/out into its outermost areas seems analogous to the resurrection story because deadened stuff that is plagued by entropy because it is materially existing is rejuvenated, as though brought back to life—often in new and...
  10. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Allegories seem to dance with real life even more than isolated metaphors. I love the way allegories are used in the Bible.
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    Your religious/spiritual journey

    To my more or less way of thinking it is applicable. You might have to point out ways it isn’t, before I can appreciate the distinction you are making. That is, if you don’t think it will fall on deaf ears or fail to get through my thick head (and, of course, if you want to take the time and...
  12. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    “Metaphors” may be better word for what I meant by myth. Clearly, I use words loosely. You differentiate better. BTW, I’m fairly sure you knew it was YOU I was talking about when I said a participant nudged me back to humility about discerning God’s nature. I appreciate your willingness to...
  13. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Truest FOR ME, as in “it works best for me.” Partly because it seems a simpler way of conceptualizing our connection to God. A single flowing fountain with different aspects according to what depth level it is experienced and/or interacted with, is easier to grasp (to me, that is) than the three...
  14. O

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Great idea for a discussion thread. To be honest, a frequent impression I have after philosophizing/theologizing here is that we are all just making this stuff up. And by all, I include the originators of all religions. One participant here successfully nudged me back to a position of knowing...
  15. O

    I believe in good!

    We would need to create trust culturally, either before or during the resource sharing
  16. O

    I believe in good!

    If we relied on resource sharing systems, there could be no individual poverty, only everyone relatively unable to access adequate resources to meet the collective’s needs (and the needs of each individual within it). Individual ownership is based in part on not trusting that fellow human beings...
  17. O

    Try the Trinity.

    Not only does trying too hard to be good get in the way of love’s full force/flow, equating it with the objects/beings who are loved also interferes with its power and potential. Similar to how our thoughts are not our mind. The love of others, even though sensed as unifying, is still plagued...
  18. O

    Try the Trinity.

    Eric, This thing we call love seems like some sort of Quantum Mechanics that Creation allows us all to do. It is an amazing skill that reveals our deeper nature as spirits who are children of God. Unfortunately, love got associated too much with merely doing and being “good.” Trying to be moral...
  19. O

    I believe in good!

    I trust that this is true, and that two major classes of cooperation (capitalism and governments) have helped achieve this fact. And yet we have the very real prospect that an unhealthy dynamic between the two seems to threaten future progress. Capitalism, an improvement over Feudalism, seems to...
  20. O

    I believe in good!

    Heard that a time or two?!