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  1. O

    Did Christ Say Be Ye Transformed?

    While it seems true that we did not create ourselves, the created self is not merely a static noun, it is a working verb in progress. Assuming that the human mind can choose to see and approach (work with) being as a verb, it can largely determine the specific characteristics that develop in the...
  2. O

    Did Christ Say Be Ye Transformed?

    In the Trinity thread. Thomas equates the Son with Logos. Logos, the Word, seems in line with philosophical Idealism that posits ultimate reality to be more like mind than anything else we can conceive. Stand alone thoughts come out of a mind in general. Mind is within or behind the particular...
  3. O

    Did Christ Say Be Ye Transformed?

    Also suggests Christ thought we had it in us to be transformed, to grow spiritually—the potential is there. While we all sin, it doesn’t define who we are. Perhaps Christ would agree with Wayne Dyer’s premise that we are spiritual beings in a human form? Seems that way to me.
  4. O

    Did Christ Say Be Ye Transformed?

    If so, how can that jive with the theology of substitutional atonement in which it is believed he and his Father took away our enslavement to sin? Wouldn’t Christ have said “Let me transform you?” if the standard ransom payment thing were true? Seems fair to say instead that he showed us...
  5. O

    Try the Trinity.

    This resonates with me, seems true
  6. O

    Try the Trinity.

    I didn’t address the dynamics on the losing side of the world as currently constituted. Losers feel so powerless and deficient that they desperately long for a win. Any kind of a win, even if by putting others down, scapegoating to blame THEM, and finally feeling superior to someone. Of course...
  7. O

    Try the Trinity.

    EricPH, Two tracks of my recent thinking (one with philosophizing with my youngest son earlier today. The other while reading chapters 5 and 6 of J R Daniel Kirks’s book, Romans for Normal People). And now your thoughts seem to form a third converging track. My point with my son was that our...
  8. O

    Try the Trinity.

    EricPH, Two tracks of my recent thinking (one with philosophizing with my youngest son earlier today. The other while reading chapters 4 and 5 of J R Daniel Kirks’s book, Romans for Normal People). And now your thoughts seem to form a third converging track. My point with my son was that our...
  9. O

    I believe in good!

    One God The great Unkown Seems a single thing. There could be millions of things Beyond it. But if we can’t discern Even two or three of those things, Why waste time thinking On it? Use your time instead To see how the known And the Unknown interacts. Don’t clutter your...
  10. O

    I believe in good!

    The gift of intellectual understanding is different than experiential understanding. The former is a doing (albeit internal) sort of thing. While the latter is a being sort of thing. And we probably agree that the latter IS the greater of the two, but both are needed for sustainable spiritual...
  11. O

    I believe in good!

    Never mind!
  12. O

    I believe in good!

    Like that, But again, I simply emphasize that it’s not not self. I want to lovingly protect us from authoritarianism, a vulnerability to resolving the fear and tension of not knowing by clinging to the answers a so-called “higher authority” (BEYOND our limited little selves) gives us and rescues...
  13. O

    I believe in good!

    From Reptilian brain stem “eat or be eaten”, to mammalian limbic system “let’s help each other,” to cortical (modern rationality) “what overall gets the most bang for our buck?”, to prefrontal cortex’s “how can we harmonize and energize our very humanity?” ???? Of course we are having trouble...
  14. O

    I believe in good!

    This would explain why, before I was ever taught the facts of life or the science of genetics I saw either in a dream or mind’s eye (a vision) men and women connected at each other’s midsection in a twisting chain. I later learned that I saw a representation of the double helix.
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    I believe in good!

    The only difference in our view seems to be that I think that faith is a mental act even though it is not cognitive. I write poetry and lyrics using faith at times, because it comes out of nowhere as far as the thinking mind is concerned. You may disagree by saying it relies on subconscious...
  16. O

    I believe in good!

    On first impression, I don’t agree with that part. What you said is consistent with Bohr’s (father of Quantum Physics) inviolable wall, which I think was wrong too. The human mind at its deepest level is consistent with a deeper dimension, is of the same non-stuff “stuff”’. We just conflate...
  17. O

    I believe in good!

    Loved that! Same page probably, except semantics
  18. O

    Happy Rosh Hashanah

    Praying for healing, strength, and guidance for all of the world, especially those in the Middle East where the conflict seems to be escalating. Dear RabbiO, I am so sorry that I left you with an impression on other threads that I am down on the Jewish faith tradition. The “tribalism” I am...
  19. O

    I believe in good!

    Fits with poem I wrote a couple of weeks ago: Call You want to know me And call me by name? First, know that True Self And Divine Other Are one and the same.
  20. O

    I believe in good!

    Prefer “transcending” ego by basing one’s very being from a deep, naturally convergent, zone within . Defense mechanisms of ego apply to a surface zone of material objects where we live. Spirit runs deeper than that.