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  1. O

    Try the Trinity.

    What if God is a kind of Super Quanta that can act like a wave (Holy Ghost/Spirit) or a particle (being: Divine Being as Father, Incarnate Being as Son). If we are looking or calling from the attitude of being an individual physical being, the Super Quanta would act like a particle/being in...
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    Try the Trinity.

    Welcome. Imagine a Super Quanta. Can act like a Wave (Holy Ghost) or Particle (Being: Divine Father, Human Son). That would be using a modern science theory, quantum theory. Not sure if I used it right or not. But it’s a stab at making sense of the Trinity.
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    I believe in good!

    This certainly matches my own sense that we are here on assignment to pull creation towards the Godly good (or, if you like deities, a more Godly good) . Liked your comment that perhaps God is the face of good. Also interesting that, according to you, Plato saw Good as more transcendent yet than...
  4. O

    Have you guys heard of this song before? U2's Yahweh - I actually music produced the song : - )

    Neat! Hadn’t heard. Thanks for sharing. Is hearing and feeling it part of movement of a second coming of spiritual awareness, as exemplified during the first coming by a very spiritual person, Jesus?
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    I believe in good!

    If I read you right (and that’s a big if!), you prefer a more left brain approach, and I a more right brain approach. But of course we need BOTH. So maybe our views complement each other’s?
  6. O

    I believe in good!

    A lot harder to not be something than to be it though. The “spiritual” approach to morality is based on what might be called “Breathable Being.” The base of moral action is closer to loving intent than right thinking, although certainly not antithetical to right thinking. And love and...
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    I believe in good!

    The notion of an individual “self” is, of course, real, but LESS real than interconnectedness. From a collective unconscious source of knowledge, in which we are interconnected beings (“spiritual”) more than we are isolated beings, “good” means what allows that deeper nature to become implanted...
  8. O

    I believe in good!

    Sensuality is related to reaction. If only an understanding of surface and fairly static qualities of ordinary physical reality, we tend to react to whatever things come our way. But if we can sense underlying patterns and begin to more reliably predict outcomes, then we can RESPOND and be...
  9. O

    I believe in good!

    “Good” seems connected to that which is sustainable in terms of helping humans in general survive and thrive. Probably also closely related to the concepts of growth and actualization of potential, as both aid in survival and wellness/prosperity almost along the lines of the sports adage “the...
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    I believe in good!

    Never saw before. Reminded me of Life of Brian, Flying Circus. Loved Holy Grail also.
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    I believe in good!

    And advances in treatment of cancer. Just talked to a lady in our church whose daughter is so far having her stage 4 lung cancer successfully managed via immune therapy, lifestyle changes and payer. Interesting to see how clearly the mother sees that cancer researchers ARE part of “God,”...
  12. O

    I believe in good!

    I agree that knowledge per se doesn’t amount to much. Can we think in more advanced WAYS? Ways that utilize the brain parts that help us understand the dynamics of life (which I believe the “Tree of Life” symbolizes). The prefrontal cortex was last to develop, and it plays a huge role in...
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    I believe in good!

    Loved the insight about the importance of peace. Yes, the best good comes out of potential which we sense imprecisely, impressionistically, almost intuitively. And that does require a relaxed/peaceful mind.
  14. O

    I believe in good!

    Thomas has helped nudge me back into the discipline of not claiming to know God, other than a subjective experience of “God.” In a recent church service, I had the insight that God was more or less a softer, kinder, side of the unknown. A couple of weeks later, I composed song/poem lyrics/words...
  15. O

    I believe in good!

    Inevitable to us or other beings like us, as long as we don’t destroy ourselves. If we do “good” enough to survive, then, as you say, growth is inevitable. I like the movie Groundhog Day. He finally gets it right. Same for us if we can survive, keep on waking up.
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    I believe in good!

    Thomas has helped nudge me back into the discipline of not claiming to know God, other than a subjective experience of “God.” In a recent church service, I had the insight that God was more or less a softer, kinder, side of the unknown. A couple of weeks later, I composed these song/poem...
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    I believe in good!

    Dao Yin, I believe there is a very large swath of consensus about good. Taking care of your children. Being kind . Forgiving. Working at staying healthy or getting well. A few of the many things almost everyone agrees is “good.”
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    I believe in good!

    I definitely agree with your positive self-fulfilling notion
  19. O

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Wil, You and I pick up on this theme (positive self-fulfilling prophecy— “That’s our positive story, and we’re sticking to it!!!!”) in your newest post, “I Believe in Good.” I also saw and articulated a connection to an older post of my own: “God and Good” (Or was it Good and God?).
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    I believe in good!

    Wil, Your discussion here brought me back to a post I made this past Spring about “God and Good”. Here’s an excerpt: Today, my spiritual processing led me back to an earlier insight I had: "There's more God in Good than there is good in "God." The "God function" that I mentioned might just be...