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  1. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    Just to play on your namesake. He asked to explain... not prove ...:p
  2. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    If we are truly being logical, then we must first correct your question. For the definition of Mythical is "fictitious". And for that, I can only answer, IDK, I'm not of someone who believes in a fictitious or other mythical being. Your question is better stated (and correct me if I'm wrong) "My...
  3. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    Scary thing is you are wrong. I see lots of his supporters in my neighborhood. These are Dentists, Businessmen, Doctors, etc. What really frives people to him is the fact that they know he is going to relax taxes of the rich (due to his status) and make it easier for big business to expand by...
  4. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    wouldn't you say that is simply because they aren't as organized or powerful? If they had the Power, I'm sure KKK wouldn't mind usurping the presidential seat.
  5. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    Jordan, Syrian Army, Iraqi Army, Saudi planes, Turkish planes and border troops to help protect the innocents, Heck even Iran is beginning to step in (some...) Which Muslim Nation isn't actively opposing them that you feel should join? Not to mention the hundreds if not thousands of scholars...
  6. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I think essentially we are using different meanings of the same word. To be a slave often has negative connotations within the western world. It is however a very broad word that is applicable to many a good things, as well as bad. The Bible refers to followers as slaves of righteousness and...
  7. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I've made several. The issue I am referring to is you are approaching it solely from a Christian mindset. That only works if the Audience is Christian first. What happens when a Jew reads the text without a Christian "telling them" what it means? How about a Hindu, or Buddhist? Do you think they...
  8. BigJoeNobody

    The Abrahamic Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card?

    Let's see if I can give a brief answer. One can make Tawbah (a sincere apology and a sincere attempt to stop committing a sin) at any time. If Allah knows that it is a sincere turn, he will forgive all sins you make Tawbah for. There are conditions, for instance one must not be committing...
  9. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    I guess "maybe" is the correct answer. I certainly don't know why they are doing such a thing, or IF for that matter. The whole Jew vs Muslim thing is actually pretty new in history. There have been clashes in the past, but largely these didn't last long or amount to much. Jews and Christians...
  10. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I'm sorry Thomas, but I think your strong faith has clouded your ability to analyze this in an objective manner (not a bad thing, just pointing out, I'm sure we all do it from time to time). Love God, Love your Neighbor... Great, I agree. What if your neighbor Rapes your children? Do you go give...
  11. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    Not According to many passages of the Bible, for example: "Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them. - Prov 13:24" I would say the discussion was about man as a whole, are mass murdering men not subject to God's judgement? A...
  12. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    Nowhere... If I have to answer what you literally asked. Their existence has no bearing on the religion or Shariah. If I gather what you were trying to ask. As I've stated before, I cannot say they aren't Muslim, as I cannot tell what is in someone's heart. What I can say is as a whole, they...
  13. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    Sodom, Gahmorra, The Ark, Flood (Noah (PBUH)), Plague of Egypt, and several others might beg to differ. now your next quote, might be the answer, but in a liberal way of thinking. They brought it on themselves, yes. But God presented the calamities. yes, Obviously I don't hold to a purgatory...
  14. BigJoeNobody

    Islam's POV on spiritual enlightenment etc.

    Was your question answered either way?
  15. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    yes, and the reason I was saying it is much bigger to "prove" is because it would involve heavy examples in History, Hadith, and Ayas. There is definitely reasons to destroy Idols, but that is very specific and has more to do with Muslims worshiping such.
  16. BigJoeNobody


    Salaam, Welcome, Maybe you could give a brief idea as to what you believe, or what you look to bring or gain from the community?