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  1. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    and yet you post this... so tell me, how many Jews were effected by this "blanket expulsion" and at what point were they allowed to return to such an oppressive state? regardless of your claims, they don't stand up to reason. If they were all expatriated, why is there still a significant...
  2. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    Nice date drop. Do you realize what was going on during this time? Both in Egypt and its neighbor? Egypt was at war with Israel, the Jews in Egypt were quite blatant supporters of Israel and some (not all) even began attempting to fight from within. It is a causation of war that many countries...
  3. BigJoeNobody

    Ramadan Mubarak

    yes, It roughly translates to THE GOD. although it is debated highly amongst all the Abrahamics that Catholicism is Monotheistic (some say all Christianity) I would agree, with a slight cringe. Mostly Correct. It supports the Bible, but we must actually define what the Bible is first. It...
  4. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    I have actually put a lot of thought into this during my Reversion/Conversion phase. And I think where it comes down to is that IMO (See people I acknowledge it is my opinion only) there is 1 truth, Deviations such as multiple manifestations, etc. are varying degrees of truth. Is it possible...
  5. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    I think I know where I'm losing you. My point includes the idea that there are multiple correct views, as long as they aren't mutually exclusive. for instance there can't be only 1 God and 6 Gods and both be true. There are Muslims that argue that most religions are pieces of the truth, for...
  6. BigJoeNobody

    An urgent warning to the Israelis!!!

    I see that as an uphill battle, telling Jews to believe a man is or became God kind of goes against their belief structure. As Craz said, you better come with a lot of ammo, because most aren't going to be swayed by "he loves you" especially when they already know God loves them. This isn't the...
  7. BigJoeNobody

    Ramadan Mubarak

    Salaam Allahikum wa rahmuttalah (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be upon you) Just because I'm a stickler for correctness, it is from first light to sundown. Actually this is entirely wrong, but to be fair not far off. Ramadan is the Month in which the Quran was revealed (or delivered) to Prophet...
  8. BigJoeNobody

    The Islamic Concept of a Family

    Not sure about the statistics you have brought forth Ahmed, but I understand the issue of non-complete families. I also agree that the western world has eroded the view of marriage into something more of a burden than a partnership. That being said, DA is right that is only 1 issue with the...
  9. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    I think you are jumping some steps from what I'm claiming to a minor conclusion. I am simply saying there is a truth, be it well established or barely known or not known. Whether 1 God, 2 gods, 3, etc or none. To determine which one we believe is true is to narrow the pool by analyzing what you...
  10. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    i'm not sure how much more clear it can be. statistically speaking there is a chance any particular view is correct, independent or is just as likely Islam is 100% correct as it is that your view of deism is 100% correct (from a statistical model). If one were to post every view...
  11. BigJoeNobody

    Whats Your Religion? (An Interfaith Dialogue)

    Salaam Allahikum, Ramadan Mubarak, I do not, people come and go, if they see it, they might answer, these school helps usually get passed over.
  12. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    I know we have been round and round about this, but there is no science to that statement. It is purely statistical. No matter how many views one analyzes, if one were to analyze all of the possibilities, there is a 1 in [not infinity, but very very large number] chance that a particular view is...
  13. BigJoeNobody

    Whats Your Religion? (An Interfaith Dialogue)

    I think this is largely a poor choice of questions... particularly the last 2... But I'll play the game, briefly... - One God, Prophets from Adam to Mouhamed (PBUTA), Jesus (PBUH) is the Messiah, etc. - Submit to the only God's will, as described in his word (Quran) and the example of his...
  14. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    What all of you fail to address is the fact that in most religious views, the path to a positive afterlife, whatever it might be in different religions, is very specific. To say that because there are so many, one should grab and choose, is not following any. It is only really plausible that 1...
  15. BigJoeNobody

    Ramadan Mubarak

    Salaam Allahikum all, Just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a blessed Ramadan.
  16. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    or you could say that there are a lot of people who misunderstand the one?
  17. BigJoeNobody

    God and the Illogical

    Why would an all-powerful creator be bound to physics, and limits if he made them. if the Creator did not have the power over these things, he wouldn't really be a deity then would he?
  18. BigJoeNobody

    What part of "you" is maintained when God brings you to heaven?

    Soul, Body. Yes, in its most perfect form, any flaws or anything about your body that is not what pleases you will be fixed. You are you, your struggle and life are merely a test to prove to you where your afterlife should be spent, God/Allah/YHWH/The Creator already knows. Your soul was given...
  19. BigJoeNobody

    It is possible that life to be just an error in our Universe?

    I believe the difference in the theory of it controls the masses and life is a test is simply the belief in a God. For instance I doubt many believers would look at life and think religion is controlling them, but rather that they are following an example that leads to a better life in this...
  20. BigJoeNobody

    New Guy!!! (Somewhat?!?)

    Just Curiosity, given the era, and apparent racial background, was this in any way associated with the "Nation of Islam" movement made popular by such people as Malcom X and Farakhan? Just a curiosity.