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  1. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I like that saying. and it holds close to what I meant. Realizing that he has the Capacity to harm you without a tiny measure of recourse is important in realizing his greatness. He doesn't destroy you, even upon death we are promised an eternity. I disagree, from an Islamic standpoint outright...
  2. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    no, This has been discussed, many times, it is against our Sunnah. Especially as it applies to Christianity and Judaism. There are Idols that are commanded to be destroyed, but that is much more complicated than it seems to the average person. If we are going to discuss such things in depth, we...
  3. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    It's true throughout History many philosophers, and artists of many different field have contemplated many "What If's". Usually most who believe in a Divine and a afterlife have, as a matter of "Best guess", chosen a test for earning a good afterlife. Although this is not completely agreed upon...
  4. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    Africa over the past 10 years has been a hotbed of this activity. In largely Christian countries. Drug cartels are well known to kill men in villages that aren't working for them then rape the women to death either on site or in brothels. They Pillage and steal anything that can be of value...
  5. BigJoeNobody

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    yes, Greek tradition was largely proven false when multitudes of people summited a mountain which was supposed to be occupied by awe inspiring warrior Gods. In all reality their time wasn't that long on the earth. Many of them changed almost completely while they were being practiced. No they...
  6. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    What is the difference in these "rape and aggression" from "Muslims" and the "rape and pillage" from "Christians. Or for that matter since it was brought up, "mass Murders" or "targeted killing" or the "child armies" or the HOLOCAUST, and you saying "Well they were mentally unstable" Yeah...
  7. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    Has this not been covered dozens of times? It doesn't matter where. There is no aggression allowed except where Allah has ordained, And without new messengers, how would he ordain it? Hurting a single cell on an innocent person's body is absolutely forbidden (mind that I didn't need to specify...
  8. BigJoeNobody

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    yes... and I apologize if it wasn't clear... Also there is no compulsion in religion. In other words no human can force his religion on another, the faith would not be sincere, and the whole thing would be Oppression, of which Allah hates.
  9. BigJoeNobody

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    That's because people focus their whole minds on the limits they themselves have. God (regardless of which faith, even polytheistic ones) above those laws. For most monotheistic religions God is the creator of this existence. His power and ability is above all we can imagine. As for the issues...
  10. BigJoeNobody

    Spiritual goals??

    I'm guessing you don't follow many Islamic channels of media. Muslims in general do a lot of work both trying to correct the misconceptions of our religion, and to show the true nature by doing community projects and donating to poor. I'm not aware of many articles or postings about refugees...
  11. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    So under Christian Doctrine would you say all people regardless of faith are bound for heaven? If this life is not a test, and one doesn't need to prove his faith, then by what measure do people attain heaven? I'm pretty sure you aren't of a group who denies heaven as a destination, I guess hell...
  12. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    how so? are you saying that Christian doctrine is not that this life is merely a test? Or that a Child dying can actually be a benefit in itself due to the lack of hardship he/she will have to endure to prove his faith to God? I have known people who say that if one is not Baptised they are...
  13. BigJoeNobody

    Hadith in Quran?

    Usually people refer to "The Hadith" as meaning the entire collection of Hadiths. yes Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands not exactly, Some issues come from warped Hadith, some come from using weak or unrealiable (doubtfull to be truly from Mouhammed (PBUH)) Hadiths, Some issues rise from...
  14. BigJoeNobody

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    I think you could use a small lesson in how the Quran was revealed and all the ways it was preserved. It wasn't only Oral, but oral to print, rechecked with oral, several overlapping oral checks amongst memorizers, and finally once the text was brought together it was verified by not 1 nor 2 but...
  15. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I'd think the key issue is that one must first accept that there is a meaning to this life, for that, we would have to do away with the standard Scientific model of existence of chance and eternity of non control. I think I gather from other posts this one might be difficult for many here. Once...
  16. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I can see you an I see life a bit differently. We come to somewhat similar conclusions on the question posed by DA, but you seem very detached from an idea centered around the "Life Test" paradigm. Something I would say is a "end of test from Allah" you would say is a death, or a natural evil. I...
  17. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    no... By men.. Evil doing men at that, Evil being those who disobey God's commands. I don't think if God wanted to kill you he would need a machete. Again, this falls back on evil people not following directions. Not by God, again, God doesn't run the Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples...
  18. BigJoeNobody

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    beyond any of these questions validity (of which I find none personally) or even the second half's decisions inquiry... I fail to see how yo go from this portion... to this. systematically the 2 are not conjoined. I believe we could all come up with our doubts to the Biblical validity on...
  19. BigJoeNobody

    Why Do We Trust Ancient Texts as Accurate?

    I get in trouble enough around here for speaking for others, I am glad you agree. I think this is part of the problem, but I think another part would be the lack of understanding of a (or some) event in one's life that they fail to see the benefit from. Many issues where people sin knowingly I...
  20. BigJoeNobody

    Islam's POV on spiritual enlightenment etc.

    No I see a much bigger problem with "radicalized" people not fearing Hellfire. Nor following the law of Allah or the Sunnah of the Prophet(s) (PBUTA). Why must you look at heaven as the carrot, not Shaytan's (Satan, Lucifer, Devil, etc.) whispers being the carrot? If we are going to discuss...