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  1. SatyamAbhidi


    Truth often looks similar if you can see it.
  2. SatyamAbhidi


    The very assertion that you are other than God shows dissonance. This is clear in Yogic contexts.... Adi Yogi is Shiva... the first unity, prior to separation. Yogeshwara is Shiva... Lord of Union. The practitioner is a Yogi, one striving for union. Yoga is that Union, practiced or realized...
  3. SatyamAbhidi


    Resurrection is "die that death which is eternal life".... It is a metaphor as well, dying to all that is not true, all that is dissonant with God. Reborn, you are in utter resonance with the divine. Again, Christians are mostly unaware of this, simply because in general, the Christian...
  4. SatyamAbhidi


    Revelation talks about the Crown and Eye - the higher two Chakras. The heart Chakra is why God is called Love... It is beneath the surface, because mostly Christians aren't interested in actually practicing, they just go on reinforcing beliefs.
  5. SatyamAbhidi


    Miracles are there to point at Shiva. He is the auspicious one... one coming with signs. Also "pure", but that isn't what is being talked about here.... People often glorify the miracles, but consider, none of these people are alive today, they still had to die in the end. They are just...
  6. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    Shiva is cause of resonance. You are cause of dissonance. Fix it. Yoga.
  7. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    Moses is Father, he based his notions on "Father", which is what Abraham means. He said it came from Jacob, it is Israel, this is what binds this nation. The children are Vishnu and Brahma, to make it clear, Shiva has two children: Ganesha and Kartikeya. Ganesha is miracles, Karikeya is normal...
  8. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    Cave is Shakti, you are entering yoni. Fire is Shiva, lingam. Muhammad went to cave. Jesus went to the dessert which is hot. Shakti is other than Shiva. Shiva is not other than Shiva. Except that he's his Shakti. Because who needs logic.
  9. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    The obelisks in Vatican City are Shiva Lingams. Little more refined, less obvious. Pyramid is cuz it kept falling down. A lot have a path too, that is shaktism. Goddess worship, the lingam leads to yoni. God and Goddess worship is central. Male and Female aspects, glorified. He is...
  10. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    I sent it to the old Pope, though. He quit, dishonored. Usually Pope is 4lyf
  11. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    I actually sent the Vatican an e-mail. The address had my name. This is literally what I ordered...
  12. SatyamAbhidi

    I like Pope Francis!!

    My name is Francis. They are doing as they're told. Be more humble. You represent, you aren't it.
  13. SatyamAbhidi

    what religion's teach.

    Howsoever you're made to understand, fine. Do you understand? Everything is resonance and dissonance, EVERYTHING. The rest is the frequency between them.
  14. SatyamAbhidi

    what religion's teach.

    The point of religion is consciousness.
  15. SatyamAbhidi

    Breaking initiation or vows?

    You sinned. Repent. No big deal, pay more attention. The rules aren't the point, it is trying to make you aware of yourself. If the form is working against you, it is a wrong direction. You need more practice.
  16. SatyamAbhidi

    Your God/Goddess

    Pagan religions were all same in different languages. Different stories told about the same experience. Again, sex is frequently used... Breath is the same... out to the world, in to the body. That union. The pulsation of your blood. Out and back in. Birth and death. Dissonance and...
  17. SatyamAbhidi

    What is nirvana?

    Nirvana means "cessation" There is no more any dissonance in you. You are no more in dissonance with the whole. Moksha is the opposite. Now there is resonance in you. Now you are in resonance with the whole. Wait. Eh, technically. Duality is retarded.
  18. SatyamAbhidi

    Does God speak to you?

    Another name for Shiva is Truth, it is fine. Meditation is resting, the rest should be Yoga too. Adi Yogi is guiding your life. Bringing you to Yogeshvara. Yoga.... Union. Om. Namaste. You are a string on his guitar.
  19. SatyamAbhidi

    Does God speak to you?

    Light is the male aspect, consciousness. Sound is the female aspect, sound. Shiva is called the Lord of Om, the drummer. He is also called consciousness, the light, dancer. She is his desire. Why he dances... life, experience. Intimacy, all human endeavor shows something else. Another aspect...
  20. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    The form is never utterly Shiva. Shakti is never really Shiva, how close can you get? How intimate can your experience of life become? Death is without dissonance, how completely can you resonate with the life force? Lord of Prana, the life force is Om, the first vibration caused all others as...