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  1. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    Freedom doesn't stop at "from". The point is freedom "to". Courage, chivalry.
  2. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    In males: Shaivism Shakti is Seguna. Shiva is Nirguna. God. Shakti is your desire. Shiva is your devotion. In females: Shaktism Shiva is Seguna Shakti is Niguna. Goddess. Shiva is your desire. Shakti is your devotion. Original battle of the sexes, that relationship. Yoga is their Union...
  3. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    I am pure peace. I am Shiva. Om namah Shivay. Om shanti. Namaste. _/|\_
  4. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Muhammad taxed those that weren't Muslim at a higher rate. It was cost effective to resonate with your neighbor. Until you meet dissonance. Then, war. Ugh... Om shanti. Stop it. Peace is overdue.
  5. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    The first bank was sanctioned by the Catholic Church. That is who the Knights Templar were. That is the crusade of Christianity, wealth, prosperity, heaven. Just make sure you give it to Caesar, God can have the rest. Except they're taking it all from God. Petroleum is our ancestors in life...
  6. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Tesla knew this. It was dangerous so we pretend he didn't exist. We could use his power source for the internet too. It is just active energy, electricity, same as what goes down the fiber lines. Wireless is using the wave aspect instead though, so that's cool. Wireless and Tesla should...
  7. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Yoga is Union. It cannot discount Science. Science means what is known. Science and Veda is same thing. Getting a little more advanced because it wasn't made static by some idiot. Adi Guru is teaching still, life is still going. Union is still expressing.
  8. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Learning is of yoga. Vedas are recorded knowledge. Science has a bunch too. Same, different words.
  9. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Only God's and Goddess's should run the world. It has to be ran consciously. Om Shanti.
  10. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    This is why there is also Shaktism. The woman is Shakti. Same source. OM SHANTI
  11. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Only the vibration of love is peaceful. She is Mahadevi, Goddess. He is Mahadevi, God. This is the only acceptable engagement of sexual union. Utter and complete devotion to becoming resonant. OM SHANTI.
  12. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Shiva desired Shakti. Shakti is devoted to Shiva. This is resonance. Om shanti. Yoga is another word for Love. God is Yoga. Shiva is Adi Yogi. His name.
  13. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    The mantra is in resonance, Om. _/|\_ is namaste "Lets forget differences of appearances. Let us behave consciously" Devotion to Shiva. Om Shanti.
  14. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Not religion. Not spirituality. Not theory. Yoga is a science of life. Yoga is the art of life. Adi Guru is life. We have named him Shiva. Adi Yogi. You have named him Yahweh, Allah, Dharma, Tao. Om Shanti. He is Shiva. Karma is your Shakti. Be responsible for it. Responsibility comes...
  15. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Life is a university. Union is its lesson. Unity, Resonance, Shanti. Balance of consciousness, peace. Yoga.
  16. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    He is the snake, a sign of wisdom before the Christians cocked it up to justify sin. The teaching is how to be conscious, human. Hence they are called animals, unconscious. Rude, animals seem to be more conscious than most. Shiva means consciousness. You have to fall to get back up, to...
  17. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    I guess her name is Isis. Dissonance are the bad guys, he is fighting for resonance. So, Flash is energy Isis is electric Their marriage once resonance is found consummates union. We can be utterly scientific, they are as true. 1 is Isis 0 is Flash Marriage is resonance. Shiva is Adi Guru...
  18. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    It is hard to be devoted to energy. Lets give him a name. Flash works for me. Right now I am calling him Shiva. I don't know if Flash has a girl? Right now I am calling her Shakti.
  19. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    Union is that sense of the experience being "electric". Om Shanti.
  20. SatyamAbhidi

    Satyam Abhidi.

    I wonder if people understand fully that Shiva is just a name for something... Science guys call it energy, while electricity is Shakti, active energy. Why not these words? Something has to be said.