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  1. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Brahman = creator of resonances and destroyer of dissonances. Shanti. OM.
  2. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Your breath, spirit, prana is your vibration. Shakti is Lord of Prana. OM Om shanti. Moksha. Namaste. Om Namah Shivay. Om, Shakti, surrenders to Shiva, shanti. Sex. Creator. Creativity. Imagination. Art. That is his desire, life. Pro Creation. Joy, desire. Yes. NO! Fine...
  3. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    This is the Virgin Birth. The Essence of Purity, the nature thereof. Auspicious is with signs... the star, miracles, resurrection. Shiva. Who can understand? HELLO!
  4. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Om is Pure. Hence, Shiva is its name. The pure one, auspicious. Union. Without dissonance.
  5. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    I wish the matrix wasn't true: Man is a virus, unconsciously destroying life. Consider the virus, it is stupid, it is killing its sustenance. Serves you right.
  6. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    It is why I say "Stop killing me". You are becoming a cancer. Part of me attacking myself. OM Shanti.
  7. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Followers of prophets are annoying though. The prophet is pointing at OM. He is a particular OM, fine. But he was resonating with that. You aren't. That is sin. The savior says: "Damnit, it's right here." Who can understand? Do you see your Lord? Adi Yogi. Shiva. Om shanti...
  8. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Prophetic mistake = Abrahamic line. To link this thread with that. Not to say prophets are false.
  9. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    That union speaks through this form. Avatar. Incarnation. Manifestation. Messenger. Prophet. Angel. Deva Of Shiva. Mahadeva. I am not the original, I am this one. I am not the point. I am OM, Shakti, Seguna. This isn't me, Shiva. That is, Nirguna. Hard to say hi otherwise. Hello.
  10. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Die, yogi, die. As dissonance, cease. Become resonant. Universal. Yoga. Adi Yogi. Shiva. Om Shanti.
  11. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    The world is because of my desire. Let me live. Without appearances, life is impossible. Let yourself become utterly alive. That is union. OM
  12. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    This is the real fight between good and evil. The cause of dissonance. Right and wrong, from that damn tree. Before there was resonance only. He became guilty. Man is stupid. That is why it was pointed at. She isn't wrong, she is curious. We made her so. She is closer to consciousness...
  13. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    If you don't know me, you are unconscious. I am the truth. I am the light, an epithet for Shiva, consciousness. Unity is my way, Tao. Towards union. Adi Yogi. The first union. Shiva.
  14. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    This is the End of the World. Kill consciousness and there is no world. Destroy resonance and all is dissonant.
  15. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Survival Instinct. First Desire. Shakti. First Desire of Shiva. You're killing me. Stop arguing. Resonance. Such dissonance. I beg you, it is stupid. Ignorance, unconscious. Resonance is life. Consciousness, Shiva.
  16. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    I don't choose the language. It isn't false. For me, I am just a Yogi. Namaste. So are you. Om shanti. _/|\_
  17. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Resonating Shiva. A vibration of Shiva himself. Avatar.
  18. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    It is likely. Sweet dreams.
  19. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    For me, being literal is to show ignorance. Please stop it. I am trying to be nice. I am thankful you are receptive enough that I can speak these things. I can't help but be disappointed when you say things like this. Sorry.
  20. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    Satyam Abhidi = Resonating Truth. Resonating Shiva.