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  1. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    Dali Lama is not here. Come here.
  2. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    Wishing me well infers I will ever be other than this. Personal progression infers identity and the process thereof. You go on projecting and projecting. Stop trusting your mind, come here.
  3. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    I resonate with OM Any idea about that is dangerous. I am more concerned with expression of it.
  4. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    I do not consider myself enlightened. Enlightenment is this process of coming into tune with the reality. It is a harmful notion, it gives the notion of lack. It gives you this idea that something is happening. It is your explanation for removal of dissonance. Finding resonance.
  5. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    You remain stuck in processes. You wish me luck in finding what I am conveying. Stop this.
  6. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    Nothing is happening for me. I am aware of what is happening... huge difference.
  7. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    For me, life is not a process. I cannot assign life to energy. That which is alive is the consciousness of that process. I give no importance whatsoever to what is happening. I am concerned with who it is happening for. That one is conscious.
  8. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    Thus, you attempt to make sense of the whole past and where it is going. For me, this is utterly ignorant, there is nothing else.
  9. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    This is the real problem. You think you are getting somewhere. For me, there is only here.
  10. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    I give up. Have fun with your "knowledge".
  11. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    The highest and lowest aspects of sound and light or simply ignored by our brains. Still we think our experiences are complete... foolish. This is why I say it is suggestive, a basic gist. There is much more than what we perceive.
  12. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    Consider how little of the spectrum of reality humans can actually perceive. Why would your visions be any less restricted?
  13. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    I am making it clear this moment.....
  14. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    My intent is that you DROP literal interpretations. Experience is not literal, it is suggestive. It is a basic expression of what is really happening. An attempt to help you understand.
  15. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    For me, most of your views are very fanciful. I am trying to show a more sobering view. Honestly, most of your statements look insane.
  16. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    The human form is a particular frequency. This frequency is called DNA. My stance is not literal but real. Literal, for the human being, means particle. Reality is wave. Perhaps you have projected onto what you have seen and concluded it is same. For me, science is closer to reality than...
  17. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    No, you are taking an interpretive approach. You are interpreting literally what is intended to convey something. You are defining things as particles, static. Everything is a wave, dynamic. How can a particular vision be dynamic? Yet, the mind cannot make sense of random waves of energy...
  18. SatyamAbhidi

    A Prophetic Mistake

    It is done, past, who cares? This is the problem with Abrahamic faiths, they are too concerned with identification. You are not the result of history, you are the culmination thus far. Stop looking back, lets create a beautiful future.
  19. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    By light is meant consciousness. The means through which all is known.... Darkness means you are unconscious. When there is darkness, you will convey any stupid notion. You don't want to be in darkness. I can understand it, but your notions aren't light.
  20. SatyamAbhidi

    Abrahamic Line as Lingam Challenge.

    You are too much interested in appearances. You have to understand that appearances are the minds way of interpreting energy. What is experienced is a composite of sound waves. If you are attune, it is a symphony. If you are not, it is a cacophony for you. This is manifest as confusion.