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  1. B

    A Personal God?

    I would most certainly agree with the comment about God being beyond human understanding. :) As to a personal relationship - some people see, or rather prefer to associate, Divinity as being in human form. I don't see that for myself simply because I haven't seen it! For the moment Divinity is...
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    Ancient world - cultural contexts

    Glad to see someone pick up on specific ancient world comparative study! Yes - the Greek story is Deucalion, which is referenced in the first post. Interesting to see reference to the Sumerian vocabulary - not something I've managed to cover yet. The Epic of Gilgamesh does have a place in...
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    What is the soul?

    Hope I've welcomed you too, and glad to see you invited! As to the issues raised - I personally wonder if the differing perceptions mentioned in the earlier post by AerylonBlackwolf are nothing more than linguistic illusions. I do not believe that every cultural on earth experiences a different...
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    Point of it all?

    I like that statement. I used to tell people freely that I was mad during a time of intense asceticism, notably because I experienced so many things beyond the norm. Also met other people who admitted they were mad. Usually a sign of good company. :D I guess spiritual revelation itself takes so...
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    is Evil real?

    I've seen fundamentalist Christians become quite frenzied at the mention of moral relativism. They seem unable to handle the idea that humans can determine what is right and what is wrong – that agreement by consensus is invalid as an ethical statement, that right and wrong cannot be decided...
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    Egypt bans "Matrix Reloaded" on religious grounds

    If the authorities are that nervous about the revlotionary element of "Matrix Reloaded" then I wonder what they could have thought of "STar Wars" - the rebellion seeking to overcome the evil Empire! As to Hollywood - unfortuntely it's far too sided towards stereotypes in general. The second...
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    Bigger than a 'giant squid' - 'colossal squid'

    Speaking of which, a 13-ton grey mass, recently washed up onto a Chilean beach, is being touted either as the remains of a giant octopus or giant squid. It will definitely be interesting to see what the DNA results are like. Article with pictures here: Chilean blob could be octopus
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    Extra-solar planets: our twin found?

    Here's an interesting one - a claim that another solar system that may mirror our own having been detected: Solar System 'twin' found And if you're looking for more information on the current search for extra-solar planets - and so far over 100 have been catalogued - then here's the main...
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    Point of it all?

    Hi there, AerylonBlackwolf, and welcome to! Especially interesting to see another writer on board. :) As to your post - you do make some important points - but I especially like the reference to helping others. Something I figured ages ago is that "faith" is of little...
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    Arayan Gods/Goddeses

    Hi Damiana, and welcome to! There are two main usuages of the term Aryan: 1/ The most common reference is to an ideology that Caucasian whites are the supreme triumphant expression of humanity on the planet. Really, this is quite a bastard mix of sources all forced...
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    What has a soul?

    Hi, Iacchus, and welcome to :) Do you see the soul existing only within - or outside of time?
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    Foxhunting to be banned

    It's certainly stirring up some strong feelings. Who would have thought that banning bloodpsorts could arise such passions? Then again, I'm sure similar things were said about cock-fighting, bear baiting, etc. Would a hunt ban work?
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    The Origins of Language

    It has been postulated variably through the study of language through to a proto-Indo-European, that language may have arisen either from one single source, or else independently in multiple locations. But whether there was a single original or more than one I doubt that we could ever possibly...
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    Major NT discoveries of the 20th century

    I certainly agree with the shoddy scholarship of "Bloodline of the Grail". Awful book. The actual "historical Jesus" search at the first chapters only actually referenced 3 other works for research - one of which was the Bible, used simply for quotes, but Margeret Mead was the main source of...
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    Is this offensive II

    This one has a lot of pagans on websites I visit very annoyed. What do you think? King Kev - Living god of the Witches! Personally I think it's just some daft bloke having a laugh and being taken far too seriously by some people. I mean, really - pink bathrobe? ;D
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    exegesis vs eisogesis

    That's a great argument for the purpose of individual meaning. :) I especailly like the DH Lawrence reference - he really drives the point across with so simple an issue. So obviously illustrating the inherent complexities of applying individual meaning into the regions of doctrine and dogma...
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    Foxhunting to be banned

    At last, a ban on foxhunting in England and Wales is likely to eventually make it into legislations: Hunting ban 'likely' by 2005 There have been a number of votes against it before - but all scuppered through some technical twist or other. Now the government seems finally resolved to ban this...
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    The romance of non-Christian Europe

    I guess one of the problems is precisely because I approach ancient belief through the historical perspective. From what I read of "paganism" in Western Europe, the whole "Earth Mother/Goddess" aspect was a very small part of a much larger set of belief systems. Primarily ancestor worship seems...
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    Past Lives

    Interesting post - it's certainly fascinating for someone to describe an active exploration of the issue. Although I've had historically themed dreams, I'm very distrustful of taking that medium too much as face value. I actually get the most interesting moments in "waking visions". Have you...
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    Celtic vs Saxon DNA

    Here's an interesting article - taken from: DNA suggests the Celts held their ground Scientists shatter Anglo-Saxon myth, writes STEPHEN STEWART THE first analysis of DNA passed from father to son across the UK has shattered...