Search results

  1. B

    Which history would you visit?

    Here's a question – which periods of history would you most like to visit? For my own part I would have love to experience something of the Roman Empire under the Julian-Claudian line – very possibly Gaius Caligula, just to see how much of his image is based on satirical reports. But the 4th...
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    A walk in the woods

    Hi scion - and yes, that is quite sad. Depends on whether you mean an hours walk or drive, though. :) An hour's walk can be manageable, but even just an hour with young children can drive folks nuts! Especially if there's a danger of knocking out a well-structured routine - notably, sleeping...
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    Church Fathers - good books?

    Yes, thank you for the recommendations. :) Sorry about that - I was a bit slow there.
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    The Return of an unfamiliar Jesus?

    Hm, maybe I'm going to have to open up a new board for covering all aspects of humour. Not sure everyone would be happy with that last link. But, still, I guess it relates to the issue in a somewhat sardonic way.
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    Why Believe????

    The doubt always seems to be a natural part of the belief. That may sound strange to some.
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    exegesis vs eisogesis

    Heh, you could be quite right about that! :) I got to reading an article on "hermeneutics" last night - but when it started making commentary on the processes of exegesis and eisogesis then I found myself unable to consolidate the difficulties involved in trying to make an objective...
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    Code of Conduct

    It's a busy day today, but I'll try and get the COC updated and see how that rides out.
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    Private Message form

    Thanks for letting me know about that, Polycarp. I know the boxes may ending up stretching if there's a stupendously long URL or pic posted - but I suspect that wasn't the case. Therefore this sounds like it may be a coding issue. May I please ask which brower and operating system you are...
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    MOVED: Private Message form

    Hope you don't mind - sounds like an issue better suited for the feedback board. Moved:;action=display;threadid=192
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    exegesis vs eisogesis

    Here's two simple definitions: exegesis: objectivism. To explain what the Scripture says. Greek, ‘to guide out of." "ex" means "from" or "out of" eisogesis: subjectivism. Reading into text something that isn’t there at all. Greek. Same root as exegesis with different prefix. "eis" means...
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    Conquering Fear

    Rambling is only rambling if there's no point to it. :) I especially liked a couple of points you made here: Certainly there's room for the explanation of tapping into the "collective unconscious" (I figure I'm safer with Jungian terminology than Theosophist!). It's intriguing, though, to...
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    Past Lives

    Actually, I find the whole notion of parallel experiences immediately intriguing. I also wonder if I should refer to the "Collective Unconscious" instead of the term "Akashik Records"? So far as I'm aware, the latter comes through Theosophy, and therefore may have a specific technical meaning I...
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    That's actually a very nice perspective on crystals. Coming from a science background, the terminology kept the whole concept of crystals, their use and meaning, very confusing - what is implied by "vibrational rate", for example? The idea of approaching them as meaningful psychological tool...
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    The Return of an unfamiliar Jesus?

    Essentially Christianity is a sphere of diversity. There are a myriad of paths and interpretations. There are great extremes: from the somewhat heretical Unitarian-Universalists and Quakers - both of whm reject the Apostles Creed as a required belief - - to the other extreme of Roman...
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    Past Lives

    An absolutely essential point to the exploration of the concept, I feel - and a particular reason why I am extremely wary of assigning any objective reality to my own experiences. I've also sided with the need to realise that subjective interpretation can flaw any insight, so that alternative...
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    Hydogen fuel would destroy the Ozone layer?

    Here's a disturbing article from Nature magazine. Much touted as the future green fuel for the develped world, it could certainly present a serious knock to the development and implementation of this much-hailed "green fuel": Hydrogen fuel could widen ozone hole
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    Colour vision ended human pheromone use?

    I find the concept of pheromone use very interesting. I thought I'd link to the following article, not least because of it's reference to loss of one sense in order to allow the develoment of another - in this case, colour vision. But I'm interested in whether people think the article actually...
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    This is just a thread opened for the discussion of the Byzantine Empire - Byzantium - should anyone wish to. :) Personally speaking I find this whole civilisation utterly fascinating - perhaps because it is not simply the bridge between the ancient and medaeival worlds - but also because it was...
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    Saving the Whales

    Quite a surprise - the so-called "Berlin Initiative" has actually been voted through. This means that the IWC will now actively seek to conserve whales, rather than simply dictate numbers caught. It is, essentially, a movement not simply to end commercial fishing interests, but also a mandate to...
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    The Roman Empire

    Oh, that's right - go and ask a $64,000 question. :) There is no single pinpoint cause of the fall - but if you want the simple answer, Roman practices changed to such an extent over 400 years that essentially the empire became too big, too cumbersome, and too badly staffed, for it to remain...