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    Conquering Fear

    Welcome to, WHKeith. :) It's late here for making specific points about your interesting post. Perhaps it would be better to take up where Polycarp interjected?
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    Church Fathers - good books?

    The Early Church Fathers is one area I really ought to read up more about. The development of the Early Chruch is one that fascinates me, and the Early Church Fathers are obviously key to that process. In which case, what good commentaries and books are recommended for covering the topic? I'm...
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    Can you condemn children?

    Can I condemn children? Not at all. I'm not very good at condemning anybody, actually. Well, except politicians. :)
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    Matthew WAS "Q"

    Darn it! Just lost my post! Anyway... Thanks for the clarification - I had tried writing a reply at lunchtime here, but I just couldn't focus straight. Bad night with the kids again (think: teething). As for the topic - I'm under the impression that Papias is not the most reliable of...
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    Code of Conduct

    I actually like Polycarp's suggestion - of a Code of Conduct that would actually refer specifically to conduct. I would certainly prefer to see if implemented gently - through friendly encouragement rather than brute force. Anyway, general comments on this topic are certainly welcome from...
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    Code of Conduct

    I used to be quite involved with religious debate communities on the MicroSoft Network, so I'm very aware of the potential problems faced by communities dealing with theological issues. ::) I've seen some extremely disruptive confrontations between "fundamentalists" of the Christian, Atheist...
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    Matthew WAS "Q"

    Let me see if I read you right - you still accept the notion of the Gospel of Mark as being a progenitor of the Gospel of Matthew - but then shift the name of Matthew onto "Q" on the basis of the Papias reference?
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    Gospel of Mark

    Excellent reference - thanks for that, Polycarp.
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    Important - about this board

    Yes, "Foundationism" was the original concept for this site for a couple of weeks in April, when this place existed as the domain "". Essentially, it was going to be a "new" philosophy related to and incorporating agnosticism and comparative religion. But I spent so much...
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    Point of it all?

    Some good points raised so far. :)
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    Which part of Jesus's life...

    If we travel through the Gospels detailing the life of Jesus, which event would you have most liked to have been present at? Perhaps we should open this up to anytime actually - would you have liked to see Jesus as a child? As a teen? Whatever your reason - may I ask why? Is it the miracles...
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    Code of Conduct

    I'm playing with a Code of Conduct as follows, and have already uploaded it into the registration agreement. I freely invite all and any comment on the matter. I'm happy to take constructive criticisms on any aspect of it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
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    If you download mp3's...

    I guess I'm still just sore from Vivendi-Universal buying out just as I started out there - a few years back. Us small artists were totally squeezed out so Universal could use the site as a showcase for its own signings. I guess I got a laugh at Universal's account shortfall. Serves...
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    If you download mp3's...

    Poster for you:
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    Atkin's diet?

    Are humans evolved for the wholesale consumption of cholocate? :)
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    My town stinks!

    No, literally! :( There's a tannery not too far away (think: a few hundred yards). This tannery is in a small industrial estate, which includes a factory that gives out what appears to be hydrogen sulphide as a by-product. Drive by and it stinks... But the issue is, whenever there's a...
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    Pages not working?

    If anyone finds any pages not working about this site, I would be grateful if you could inform me. :) I had to make a major change to the site this week - originally constructed through php include statements using absolute URLs, I found I had to reconstruct the entire site with absolute paths...
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    Gospel of Mark

    The variant endings are very interesting, if nothing else because they reflect the various movements of thought within early Christianity. Do you have any references for the above two endings for further research?
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    Nefertiti mummy found?

    LOL! I'm sure I've got a book on "Who murdered Tutankamun?" somewhere, but I've always been far more fixated on Akhenaten and Nerfertiti. :) Seems there's a possible overlap in our interest there, though. :) Wasn't Smenkare a possible name taken on by Nefertiti after her busband's death? An...
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    No problem, Polycarp! I've actually fixed the upload function now as well - but I've taken the liberty of uploading your desired avatar to a private directory and updated your link to it. Hope you don't mind that. :) By the way - I only did a simple resize - graphics are not a strong point. If...