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    Great apes face imminent extinction

    Humanity hs a strange 11th hour attitude - where real and serious issues are only addressed at the very verge of the calamity happening. So we may be able to start putting a real halt onto the big extinctions - not least the Great Apes. But still expect casualties. :(
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    Seeing stars- major telescopes link up

    Absolutely that I like the subject matter - and like I said, it's a revolution in the making for astronomy. :) As for images of extrasolar planets, though - could be quite some time before we see those in any details. Maybe as blurred spheres, but actual real details? That's still some way off...
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    Why oaks were revered

    I'm sure the whole issue is more complicated than simply the issue of lightening strikes. More to look out for on this issue, I'm sure. :)
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    Find your fairy!

    Anyone else wish to find their fairy name? :)
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    Past Lives

    I wonder what the emotional impact of regression is like? I figure if there's any truth to the issue then it must be pretty pwoerful. Do people get counselling before they undergo hynoptic regression?
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    Ancient Sites of Britain: resources

    I'm collecting together some very decent ones on Roman Britain. :) Went to Cawthorn Roman forts the other day. Great day out. Hence why I'm collecting some Rome resources. :)
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    Mediaeval toilets

    Re - the symbolism: So do I! ;) But it really was something I tried researching before. Nice to see mediaeval plumbing mentioned. :)
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    quick reply

    Yes, Dave is right - smilies work, but you need to remember which code results in which smilies. For most of the simple one's it's pretty easy to rmember them. Of course, if you have a taste for exotic smilies then you'll need to remember the short-cut code for those as well. :)
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    avatar upload

    Avatar upload is now fixed as well. :)
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    Introducing myself

    That's a good idea! This can be a general "introduce yourself" thread - for those who wish to. Good idea - and welcome aboard! :) As for myself - aspiring novelist who places his real ideas in writing only. :) Aged 30, British (Yorkshire), partner of 10 years and 2 young kiddies - currently 4...
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    dodgy Jesus avatar

    Offending pic removed.
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    dodgy Jesus avatar

    Okay - thanks for that - I'll remove the avatar. Never actually noticed any possible issues, but I must have been rushing. :)
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    Dear Brian

    Thanks for that - so do I! And welcome to :) This place will indeeed grow. :)
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    PS - The replies focussed so much on Barnabas that I took the liberty of splitting the thread to create this new topic on the subject. :)
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    Re:The Two Commandments Welcome to, Polycarp. :) There's surprisingly little we can glean about Barnabas, even though he appears to have had a pivotal role in the early organisation fo the church. Of the three texts I have attributed to him and listed in our...
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    Avatar upload

    Sorry - that's "done" with Elizabeth's avatar - the avatar upload function is still not working. Hoping to get that resolved real soon... I'll keep you informed of any changes. All rushing around here tidying loose ends and borken links, missing graphics...
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    Avatar upload

    Done. :)
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    is Evil real?

    I guess the question there is - how can you be so sure?
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    Human origins - skulls found in Ethiopia

    The idea that humans originated in Africa, then migrated out, has been a mainstay for theories on the origins of modern humans. And it just got another boost with a find in Ethiopia that includes the remains of skulls from two adults and a child. Here's the link: Oldest human skulls found
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    The origin of AIDS?

    This seems like an interesting idea that's been put forward after study. The short of it is that two viruses met in Chimpanzees - then mixed - then matched - to create the progenitor of the human HIV virus. 'Dual source' caused Aids-like virus