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    Existentialism continued

    Assuming we defined free will as the ability to choose, the next question is then whether there are factors affecting the choice. If there are factors affecting the choice, then the outcome of the choice cannot be considered 100% free from interferences. If there are no influencing factors...
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    Existentialism continued

    So Spinoza started off correctly. Since the starting point has not been proved to be wrong, the conclusion (the second line in the quote) cannot be dismissed as yet.
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    Existentialism continued

    Heisenberg uncertainty principle is logical because the very act of measuring something disturbs what you try to measure.
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    The Plato Code

    :D my stars must have been more aligned than yours!
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    The Plato Code

    A science historian at The University of Manchester has cracked “The Plato Code” – the long disputed secret messages hidden in the great philosopher’s writings. Science historian cracks "the Plato code" (The University of Manchester)
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    Knowledge Instead Of Faith, Direct Experience Instead Of Dogma

    I think it meant that the poll was incomplete because a joint approach is a possibility. I would like to hear your argument as to why the poll presents a false dilemma.
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    How to learn "The Truth".

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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    How can I learn my optional illusions?

    That is why the illusions are not really optional.:D
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    Greed is a Character Trait not an Emotion!

    Recently, I saw on TV a case of a kookaburra (I think it was a kookaburra) that was so fat that it could not fly. It grew fat because human beings kept feeding the bird with junk food. Was the bird greedy? You bet. It ate more than necessary and grew too fat for its own good. I think the...
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    Knowledge Instead Of Faith, Direct Experience Instead Of Dogma

    What if the Transcendent is immanent and it is the Immanent that makes possible the transcending of the worldly? And that one's journey ends when one realizes that the Transcendent and the Immanent are the same all along?
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    The Sky Magician God

    No. I don't believe in God anyway.
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    Similarities between the philosophical concepts of Vedantic Atman and Buddhist Empti

    Re: Similarities between the philosophical concepts of Vedantic Atman and Buddhist Em Found this article on the difference between Buddhist emptiness and Hindu Vedanta
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    Knowledge Instead Of Faith, Direct Experience Instead Of Dogma

    Those who have direct experiences numbered much less than those who do not. And among those who have direct experiences, those whose experience is truly an experience of direct access to the true reality numbered much less than those who have a direct experience of something but ascribed the...
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    The Sky Magician God

    If God is God, does he even need to think?
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    Socrates says “know thyself”: I say which self?

    I not sure what to make of your second paragraph. It is not something I would expect from you. Anyway, all animals like humans, have the instinct of self-preservation. So at the very least, shouldn't animals have some basic sense of "self"? For so long have humans tried to argue that they do...
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    Socrates says “know thyself”: I say which self?

    What now the "self" of humans and animals? Perhaps Bertrand Russell could chip in?
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    Socrates says “know thyself”: I say which self?

    Thanks Coberst. I am still rather hazy about the difference between human and animal consciousness. It appears to me that you are saying that extended consciousness is what distinguish humans from animals. And it seems that this difference is related to "Many non human creatures have...
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    Socrates says “know thyself”: I say which self?

    Coberst, How is the "I" consciousness of an animal differs from the "I" consciousness of a human according to Becker? It is not clear to me from your quote of Becker.
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    The life-death dilemma

    Z, Shawn, Your posts seemed to me to be another way of setting out the problem of postulating an almighty Creator as the source of everything.
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    Belgium has become the first European country to approve a ban on the burka

    We are all creatures conditioned by our upbringing, our cultural environment, our education, our experiences etc. That's why we all have different moral values, different pattern of thoughts etc. I don't think the Japanese woman was rationalizing her actions. She was culturally conditioned to...