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  1. O

    Good and God

    I think your ramblings and mine both suggest the possibility, and need for, brain integration that could improve worthwhile outputs, such as seeing our interconnectedness, love-power, etc.
  2. O

    Good and God

    One way to detangle is to engage in mindful thinking. Rooting one’s consciousness in a whole-mind state behind the part-mind activity known as thoughts. Not that it would necessarily correlate directly with whole mind and part mind, but slower synchronized brain wave activity can be maintained...
  3. O

    Good and God

    Yes, That’s why I think the Quantum theorists chose the word entanglement. Entangled when we try to understand it with our traditional linear logic. If we can learn to think more dynamically (Tree of Life phase?) the deeper dimension of reality may not seem so entangled, only highly interactive.
  4. O

    Good and God

    Even on the (as far as we can tell) human level, a new idea or artistic creation comes from nowhere, from nothing. Even though we may trace back and see how out of nowhere we may have woven together various fragments, earlier ideas. Out of nothing comes something. Peekaboo! I think it suggests...
  5. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    I think there is enough evidence in the red letters that Jesus was providing the basis for Paul’s Grace theology. Jesus probably the main “chef” or innovator. This inside out, soft power, Way of transforming self and society was just too foreign a concept to be understood at the time. And...
  6. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    I’m okay with the ingredients that got baked by multiple chefs, even if Paul ended up being the main one. The evolution of The Way is what appeals to me. Seems a synonym of spiritual living. Spirituality trumps Christianity and all religions. Although I see no need to go the strictly spiritual...
  7. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Wow! We seem to be seeing eye to eye on this! Doesn’t always happen! But I like a few good curve balls anyway. I associate “whole mind” with God. Even my own measly mind can’t quite be comprehended because I am always distracted by the part-mind activity called “thoughts.”
  8. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Perhaps a positive projection of open mindedness onto God would help prevent the real problem of conflating a tree with the forest? In other words, follow Socrates’ advice to know that we don’t know. Not definitely at least when it comes to The Good Unknown. But still be empowered to take our...
  9. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Yes, prophecy seems more about emerging patterns than about predictions of facts. The prophecy pulls the collective toward it. “Here’s a future that could be if we are willing to nurture it.”
  10. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Thomas, You actually indicated that the suffering servant was about Israel. I need to slow down and listen better before I respond! I was preaching to the choir on that one!
  11. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Also, the suffering servant was an allegorical statement about Israel. Jesus and others of his time felt comfortable standing for the collective plight and consciousness. These days we seldom blur the singular and the plural, but they thought more poetically back then. So his actions of...
  12. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    If Christ was into Zionism more than I would like to think, it may be useful for me to project my own preference for The Way, which seems much deeper and more sustainable than Zionism . Maybe The Way was more Paulinian, as someone suggested. But I feel free to reclaim that projection from...
  13. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Thomas, Actually, in this case you were referring to projecting onto the past (instead of God) . But it felt like a good time for me to articulate my views about the projection process in general. Perhaps even some projection onto the past can be useful, if we loosen our grip on our...
  14. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Thomas, Here we go again. You repeatedly warn against anthropomorphizing God or Ultimate Reality. And yet I keep going there again and again. Now is a good time for me to discuss “positive projection.” Psychology emphasizes the projection of disowned characteristics of self onto others. Here in...
  15. O

    Good and God

    As long as we are awakened by, gain insight via participation with, messengers, I have no problem with that.
  16. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    I don’t really care if Jesus existed or was an amalgam/composite of spiritual leaders at the time, etc. What new insights and evolutionary steps were occurring? And did the faith community build on it, or slide back to older, more Tribalistic ways? The whole messiah thing was part of tribalism...
  17. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    That (after opening the link) was a good read. Appollinius (sp?) apparently avoided the Messiah trap , but got killed anyway. I guess the Romans saw that even a cultural movement would be problematic to their power hungry cause.
  18. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Yes, I wonder how much Jesus had to play along with this concept. I suspect that he preferred teaching about a spiritual Way that would become a cultural movement that would overcome the worldly ways of the prevailing culture and society. The Messiah thing seems a trap set for him by the Jewish...
  19. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    He could have given up on the project then. By not erasing His creation at that point, or any point since, it suggests that He decided that it as still good enough to keep the project going.
  20. O

    Good and God

    But God being God, WE get potential from it/Him/Her. God acts like potential to us because we get unseen resources (either by shoring up our own potential, or extra potential from another Source. Again, I tend to think about how “God” functions in our lives, which probably makes some...