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  1. S

    Angels and DarkAngels

    Lol... I hope someone got that play on words... OK, so, I wanted to discuss something that generally I find quite interesting. Mainly because there is a huge plethra of opinion on the subject. I've asked Satanists, Pagans, Wiccans etc... they all come up with different answers. Originally...
  2. S

    Your God/Goddess

    So would I be right in thinking that you observe more of the Roman deities?? I'm a bit mix and match really... I found it hard to connect with a male deity - maybe out of fear I guess. I'd been so close to Jesus/God for so much of my life and then felt so betrayed by it all. I felt like I'd...
  3. S

    Family Guy vs South Park

    Incidentally, have you seen the South Park episode where they totally rip it out of Family Guy? They even bring Bart Simpson in... lol... and an explanation as to how they come up with stupidly random jokes... teehee!!
  4. S

    Approaching Islam

    Lol... as free as you are to think my opinion naive. We will see what happens ;)
  5. S

    feminine aspect of God ?

    Well, I would say that generally, women are considered to be more powerful in Wicca as they are life-givers. But that's Gardenerian Wicca, there's loads of other types... but I was never part of a specific type of Wicca.... I was just my own eclectic self, picking and choosing as I went along. I...
  6. S

    Approaching Islam

    How can you understand it and make judgements when the book has been translated?? There are, as previously stated, no ways to fully understand it; so surely, due to the mistranslation you can't be sure of what any passage truly means without talking to someone involved with Islam, who is fluent...
  7. S

    Lol! No I haven' it any good??

    Lol! No I haven' it any good??
  8. S

    Tidying my bookshelves

    Oooh I suggest you organise them quickly. I just organised my parents bookcase... took me like 5 hours!!! Get it done before you end up with mounds and mounds of books to organise LOL :D
  9. S

    Approaching Islam

    Can you give me an example from that book then that justifies your opinion of it??
  10. S

    Family Guy vs South Park

    I just can't cope sometimes with Family Guy's randomness.... As for amazing cartoons, 17th Angel got it spot on... they were awesome.... loved Care Bears (who are not from Satan :( ) andI loved Funhouse - are you talking about the one with Pat Sharpe? Amazing - loved it!!!!!!!!!!
  11. S

    I love love love your avatar!!

    I love love love your avatar!!
  12. S

    Approaching Islam

    Lol you're like a walking book of information :D I thought that the Bible was originally written in Sanskrit?
  13. S

    Approaching Islam

    Well then sweetheart, leave me to my reading of the book as I am perfectly capable of forming my own opinions. If you have provided solid evidence before of your claims, link me to it. But I highly doubt that you have read it yourself, have you??
  14. S

    Approaching Islam

    I'm not sure any God exists.. Do we even exist? Who knows.... LOL :o
  15. S

    Approaching Islam

    See, keep learning new things. I didn't know there was a divide. Hmm... seems that this will be more complicated... Alot of people trust in the translations of the Christian bible but surely, like the Qur'an, with the original language it was written in, surely there are mistranslations??
  16. S

    Approaching Islam

    Produce the 'unadulterated facts' with valid sources then I might think you have a point.
  17. S

    Approaching Islam

    Who says they're not ones I know... don't forget I do come under the Pagan umbrella.... paganism is generally a pantheistic religion.
  18. S

    Approaching Islam

    OK here goes: Zeus - obvious one Cernunnos - Celtic antlered God Pan - God of herds and male sexuality Osiris - God of regeration Mars - God of defence Anubis - God of the Underworld There's your God also Horus - God of day and night Set - God of the moon and thunder Thoth - God of magic Angus...
  19. S

    Approaching Islam

    I'm pretty much ignoring those who aren't really answering my question... no point really :p
  20. S

    Your God/Goddess

    So, I just wanted to start a little thread on your God or Goddess or both. I myself have had a strong connection with Isis... I think she is the epitome of what a woman should be - strong, loving and protective. It took me a while to get a connection with any God at all, but I eventually...