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  1. J

    Truth about Religious Texts

    Hello Everyone, I have some questions that might seems confusing and might be repetitive and upset some believers even me, but I want the truth. Now, some books was never placed in the bible for reasons we don't know. I try to research the book o Enoch and read some interesting comments...
  2. J

    Is this christian like?: My opinion why people dislike Christianity and Religion

    Hello, This is my take on a issue that many churches is facing. I want to state that this is not a attack on Christians, but if it fit you than seek change. I notice the main reason that people avoid churches today is because they are constantly are being judge by people when it even...
  3. J

    How to pray?

    Hi, My question is about how we should pray. It's like I know how to pray but, wonder how to effectively pray and have them answered? I am in a situation, backed in a corner and need God right now. I admit at times I doubt that prayer will solve my problems, but I have no other options or...
  4. J

    How to pray and get it answered?

    I wonder how to pray so I get answers to life situations. I want to know what works and what don't. I am in a situation that has me questioning my faith and belief. Can someone pray for me? Thanks,