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  1. C

    mystical v magickal paths

    A most excellent discussion topic. :) If I may focus on a personal (intuitive?) definition, rather than from any dictionary, the distinction is one of personal perception of "empowerment". In simple extreme terms: The Mystic sees a universe that they have no power over, so they seek...
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    Taoist Spiritual Alchemy

    Certainly answers things a lot better - thanks for that. :) Physical immortality, eh? Does this mean, therefore, tha there is a tradition of "immortals" in Taoism, to some dergee (perhaps) equivalent to the Tzaddkim of Jewish lore?
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    Meditation practices

    Thanks for that - those words in particular make great sense to me. At the moment I have a number of stresses that are really building up. I need to be able to find a way to relax myself internally. The quote above makes most sense - I leerned long ago how to "fall within" and "tune in" (for...
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    What book are you reading at the moment?

    I'm impressed that Phyllis can read so much at once without getting confused about it all! :)
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    For the pagans on Hallowe'en

    Something for the pagans this Hallowe'en - an important message:
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    Another point to remember about the tree is the immense practicality of the tree in regions that actually had trees. They were immensely important to early cultures, and my impression is that in Europe at least the tree was venerated simply because of it's multiple practical applications. In...
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    East and West

    I should be very careful of making too hasty answers. Certainly my comments were a little too spuriously made, bananabrain - thank you for drawing them up and addressing them. :)
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    Which creature fascinates you most?

    Yes, plants have an incredible system of chemical detection and communciation - I suspect the phloem cells for the transfer of water would provide a perfect mechanism for an accompanying electro-magnetic system of information transfer. When I did my ascetism a few years back, I couldn't even...
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    Thich Nhat Hanh

    Interesting character - I've linked to this elsewhere, but here you go anyway: Anyway, of particular interest was his list of precepts at the end of the page, which I'll take the liberty of reposting here, because they are precisely interesting:
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    What book are you reading at the moment?

    I knew I'd heard of Thich Nhat Hahn - and was wracking my brains as to why. Interesting character - here's some more information:
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    East and West

    That's very good information - thanks for that, Vajradhara. :) I suspected conflict between the Hindu adherents and Buddhists pushed the latter, but wasn't quite sure. I had heard of Asoka, but wasn't too sure of his involvement with Buddhist "missionaries" (if that is a an acceptable term :)...
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    Biblical Translation.

    I believe that most opinion indeed comes under that regard. :) Btw - brucegc's earlier links are very informative, if anyone wishes to check them out.
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    Fundamentalist Christianity

    Or, alternatively, a reading of bob x's article "Torah Torah Torah", which covers the same ground:
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    Christianity - a pick and choose faith?

    Essentially, as belief is structured around interpretation of scripture, then any such belief will be open to the accusation of "pick and choose". Different doctrinal elements have a different focus in different groups. For example, in Christianity, each denomination has it's differing...
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    Who is The Fool?

    Hello all, 'tis me! Brian! No, really - my name's Brian and so is... I've been made to go on a computing course - good for all day internet access, but it's shared PCs and I daren't risk user my admin permissions on these forums. Good job, too - I created this alias at home this...