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  1. Kaldayen

    Chinese Philosophy

    Bonjour alexa, Don't you give 50% of your income to the government for social programs? Do you think our system is stupid? ___ Kal
  2. Kaldayen


    Faithfulservant, I must agree with you on this. I'm not sure if it does more good than bad for the community's image. Some people think that as long as we speak of the community, may it be good or bad, it helps. On one side, it gives anti-gays some weapons to say : "shame on them." On the...
  3. Kaldayen


    As long as you admit that pedophilia can be a heterosexual act. Fine. What I won't admit is its place on this thread. It's like speaking about a new extraordinary ecological car and someone comes along saying it's crap because he had an accident with it while driving drunk... It's gonna happen...
  4. Kaldayen


    Quahom1, Ok well.. you obviously made up your point. There are indeed some groups who ask for the legalization of pedophilia... That is simply disgusting... You know I agree with you on this. That said, I'm sure many of those groups ask for heterosexual pedophilia legalization... (I don't...
  5. Kaldayen


    Quahom, If that "homosexual agenda" is real (I haven't found the source on the net), don't expect me to believe they had written the little text in parenthesis about pedophila. That is, for sure, an addition from the fundamentalist webpage. I repeat it again : pedophilia is NOT a form of...
  6. Kaldayen


    I did a netsearch on google to find out where you had taken your "statistics". Here's the result : I'm not surprised to see that IFCA stands for Independent Fundamental Churches of America (I.F.C.A.). "IFCA International began in 1930 as an...
  7. Kaldayen


    On further thought, I think I understand where might be the misunderstanding. We need to define the vocabulary. On its strictest meaning, homosexuality is the act of having sexual relationship with someone of the same sex. If that's the only meaning there is to it, a priest raping a young boy...
  8. Kaldayen


    Even if I reread, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean... i said that pedophilia and homosexuality are 2 distinct things. Do you not agree? ___ Kal
  9. Kaldayen


    Hm.. I didn't say anything close to that... Rape is unacceptable. So are pedophiles. Those people are sick and should be treated. As I said in my previous post : "it's awful". Don't make me say things I didn't say. The priest raping a young boy may be ALSO gay (that's far from being...
  10. Kaldayen


    I'd like to see those stats and if they weren't by any chances funded by a christian lobby... A man commiting pedophilia isn't gay. He likes young people. Whatever sex they may be. That's awful and it has nothing to do with gays. That's the best proof that people don't understand...
  11. Kaldayen


    You have the total right to choose what your children will be told. No one will bring it into your family. If one of your children is gay (1/10?), it'll bring itself there... and if he never heard about it before, he might wonder what's wrong with him. This is not meant to sound harsh... It's...
  12. Kaldayen


    Ok.. well I guess it's better, in your eyes. Ok, but do you know how many teenagers/adults commit suicide because they are insulted, hit, or worse ignored, out of incomprehension. How many are even killed? Society has to be told about this reality (or medical condition if you want to call it...
  13. Kaldayen


    Faithfulservant, I understand your point of view. But still, the facts are that you still believe I'm wrong and sinful to simply love someone. Isn't that what we're supposed to do to be a good christian? I would be ok with your point of view if it was your own, but I find it sad that you base...
  14. Kaldayen


    Thank you for your post Bandit. I really appreciate your open mind. You follow your own feelings rather than some "word of God" and it results in a peaceful dialogue rather than a word-fight of intolerance. Isn't that funny?...
  15. Kaldayen


    Faithfulservant, Let's suppose I chose to follow the way that "God" created me and live my life with a man I deeply love (I'm a guy), what will happen of me? Will I go to hell? ___ Kal
  16. Kaldayen

    Ulitmate Question!

    I could say I'm agnostic... I just hope there's "something else" but, for me, nothing significant points towards it. Mathghamhain, are you Japanese? Kami "living" exclusivly in the japanese islands, I have trouble understanding how someone from somewhere else than Japan could follow Shintoism.
  17. Kaldayen

    Homosexuality: evolutionary necessity?

    One problem I see with this theory is that people try to apply it to today's society. As an evolution theory, it has to be applied to a huge timescale and should only explain why the "gay gene" (may it exist or not) has survived through natural selection. That's all. Out there in real life...
  18. Kaldayen


    Greetings fellow Canuck :rolleyes: I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay! ___ Kal
  19. Kaldayen

    Homosexuality: evolutionary necessity?

    First, in a not-so-far-ago era (and right now in many places), most gays simply lived their life as heterosexuals since there were no ways for them to live as gays. So those gays were actually having and raising kids. Those who stayed single, I'm sure, had this "need" too without any way for...
  20. Kaldayen


    Greetings, On a strickly practical point of view, I believe suicide isn't allowed in most religions because it would make the religions lose a believer... since most religions want to get as many followers as possible, they can't afford to lose them. If one wants to terminate his own suffering...