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  1. Dave the Web

    Religious founders don't found their religion!

    Perhaps they were all too busy being inspired, parchment and ink being too laborios a process to distract oneself with!
  2. Dave the Web

    is Evil real?

    Is evil real? Now that is a tricky one! Sometimes I think that it cannot exist but in ourselves, but other times I am not so sure. I wonder if there are greater beings out in the universe. If so, and we call the good ones Angels, then is there not room for others that would spitefully abjure and...
  3. Dave the Web

    If Jesus had not died?

    If Jesus had not died, would you still believe? I have just read a post by victor claiming that the Essenes say that he did not. I believe the Koran says similar. So I am now thinking on the importance of the event and as to whether Christianity falls if Jesus is not dead? If he had not died...
  4. Dave the Web

    Major NT discoveries of the 20th century

    Does the Gospel of Thomas really say so? I was under the impression somehow that is was a collection of sayings rather than deeds. The Gospel of Philip I have yet to read. Even still, if the Dead Sea Scrolls were of the Essenes, then why would they chronicle early Christian belief? This is not...
  5. Dave the Web


    Re:The Two Commandments It is quite the terrible shame that we do not have more to go on regarding some of the other figures who flit in and out of the New Testament. I would love to see more on some of these enigmatic beings. Have you ever read the Epistles of Baranbas? I just saw the Gospel...
  6. Dave the Web


    And a most excellent job that you have done as well! However, if I may be so cheeky as to say it, I do believe that there are still some files that you could host locally? I am sure that I have seen some of the Nag Hammadi documents around the world in other translations. I am quite sure that...
  7. Dave the Web

    How much did Jesus know he was God?

    I am still not quite sure where I stand on the issue of the Divinity of Jesus. I can understand something of God filling a human vessel, but I cannot comprehend God becoming human in form like some Hindu deity. The idea of the Trinity still smells too Eastern, and the heavy emphasis on the...
  8. Dave the Web


    Barnabas has always been an intriguing fellow. Somehow I always imagine a very good natured but very good humoured fellow, tirelessly moving from moment to moment. So interesting that you already see him as a workhorse! Yet I know so little of him but somehow his impression seems already fixed.
  9. Dave the Web

    Trying to be humble

    Once there was God, and only void surrounding. Then God conceived of stars and worlds, and life upon them. Truly God is wiser than I. I marvel at all forms around me, whether rock or plant or mammal or Man, and I see God alive in every shape and colour, scene and movement. The Creator has been...
  10. Dave the Web

    history of the New Testament Canon

    I am finding it a little annoying to have to open up so many windows to the different texts. Would it be possible to host any of the texts yourself? I hope that is not an impertinent question to ask.
  11. Dave the Web

    The Two Commandments

    Victor, do you not think one of the most important features of Christianity is being able to apply the worlds of Jesus to the gentiles, so that everyone is our neighbour? truly there lies amazing wisdom and compassion. Although I bow before those more learned than me and cannot argue against...
  12. Dave the Web

    Ancient Egyptian town discovered

    I hope to go to Saqqara one day. :)
  13. Dave the Web

    history of the New Testament Canon

    I do not know but brian has posted a link of texts excluded from the Bible.
  14. Dave the Web

    Tacitus - The Histories

    It is certainly a matter of shame that Tacitus, for all his obvious value, places so little on Judaism itself. We have missed with him a glorious window to see better our earliest Christian heritage. If he had been less anti-semitic perhaps we would have a great deal more on the curious Jewish...
  15. Dave the Web

    The Two Commandments

    I much prefer the trancendental nature of applying the quotes to the whole of humanity. After all if Jesus was here for the Gentiles than everyone is everybody else's neighbour. I am always surprised to see some other Christians avoid these quotes entirely so that they may scrabble for little...
  16. Dave the Web

    The Rise and Fall of the Matriarchs/Patriarchs?

    and peace on earth....except for once every month. :D
  17. Dave the Web

    Why oaks were revered

    I did not know that about oak trees. Does this therefore explain why they were revered by the Celtic peoples?
  18. Dave the Web

    What is a Foundationist?

    I am using the term Foundationist Christian at the moment as an experiement in individuality. The label of Liberal has become tiresomely associated with political movements I care not to be moved into association with.
  19. Dave the Web

    Major NT discoveries of the 20th century

    Even if the mainstream elements care little there are many on the fringe who do care and are always very interested in such discoveries. :)
  20. Dave the Web

    Old Testament numbers

    I suppose I have answered my own question. ;)