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  1. S

    Cold Fusion - Impossible?

    Er..yeah. Why? Is one of them wrong? If theres one technology that's lacking behind, it's energy. We're still using the same sources of energy we have been for the past 50 years. Medicine, biology, electronics, avionics, everything else has progressed, but we're limited by battery size and...
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    Cold Fusion - Impossible?

    I found the following quotes at a sight about cold fusion: INNOVATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "... after a few more flashes in the pan, we shall hear very little more of Edison or his electric lamp. Every claim he makes...
  3. S

    Message of Sikhism...

    Hey! :eek: How did one of my posts end up on your site?! :D I've heard of mirror locations, cloning websites, hot linking images, but copying forum posts?! That's a new one. ROFL :D
  4. S


    Avinash, not false, yes illusory. Nothing is inherently real. That is what Buddhism is saying.
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    Fundamentalism: church of amalgamation

    It certainly is, but I think when you say Asian, you mean east of India. I think the main reason for the eastern mind being so extremely different to the rest of the worlds', is their language. Their languages fall into the Sino-Tibetan group, which has a markably different way of expression and...
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    Getting rid of pests

    Crickey! :eek: You're really serious! :D I thought you were about to drop some deep zen concept on all of us, and here we are, busiest thread in the forum, talking about the details of how we're going to catch and drive grasshoppers to the next field. Anyway, whatever your choice is...
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    Getting rid of pests

    Allow nature to take it's course. The population of the grasshoppers will rise, the garden will wither, the garden will not be able to support the grasshoppers, the grasshoppers will wither. Be not attached to the idea of a bug-free garden. This is an unnatural state anyway. If you can't like...
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    Message of Sikhism...

    Spiritual elitism. This marginalisation will be it's downfall.
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    What is the future of Islam?

    A most insightful post mrgnash. Welcome to the forum. :) Yes, Saints. So where are they? The only clerics I ever hear about are the ones with barbarians toting guns around them as their egos' visibly spiral in on themselves. Who is the Dalai Lama of the Muslim world?
  10. S

    Sum up your religious belief

    ...or mislead us further and faster.
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    Message of Sikhism...

    But how to avoid isolation? It's always a two way street.
  12. S

    Fundamentalism: church of amalgamation

    Juantoo :) I meant nothing derogatory about Christianity having schisms, it's just so much more pronounced than in Buddhism. Eastern religions are less prone to labeling and boxing. Take the far east for instance. Many people consider themselves Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist. Abrahmic...
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    Good for you. In Buddhism the subject is so fuzzy and misunderstood, it's more of a bane than anything else. In your research, don't get dispondent if you don't end up understanding it. ;)
  14. S

    Ridiculous devotion?

    Fascinating. Intense torture and pain can lead to a dissociation from experience. This is ego-death, just like any traumatic event would precipitate. The problem is that it is not earned through intention and so the effects are not evolutionary. The state is dissolved as soon as homeostasis sets...
  15. S

    Fundamentalism: church of amalgamation

    In the end, everyone has their own religion anyway. Noone prays for the same amount of time. Noone has the same devotion as any one other person. No two people are without at least a single point of difference when it comes to religious scripture. Ask Avinash. He pointed out that the concept...